Amazing results!

Nutritionists advise to consume turnips if you want having a feeling of satiety, and thus maintain a slim waistline.

Turnip is a typical seasonal vegetable, which if not produced in greenhouses, unlike other vegetables, will be on the markets for a relatively short period of time. This means that there is a possibility for the turnip to be found on the market throughout the entire year. There are several types of turnip. It can be small in growth or pretty large with weigh up to several pounds. The tastiest turnips are those that are juicy and not kind of tasteless. Turnips that have purple color are tastier compared to those with light green color. This vegetable’s taste is very similar to cabbage’s stub. The fat stem of the vegetable, as well as its leaves (while they are young) are the eatable parts. The turnips’ stem can be ball-like shaped or elongated, in a form of an egg.

This especially healthy, low in calories vegetable is very rich in fiber, which provide feeling of satiety that will last long. It will also accelerate your metabolism, thus stimulating and improving the digestion process, which will help you in the fight against excess weight loss.

Turnip contains huge amount of water, 100 grams of cleaned turnip releases about 22 kilocalories in the organism.

Out of all nutrients, turnip contains the most carbohydrates (4,5%), little protein (1,9%) and very few fats (0,1%). It is also great source of vitamin C (62 milligrams in 100 grams of turnip), and thanks to this, it will strengthens the immune system, neutralizes the effects of the harmful free radicals and slows down the aging process. Turnip also possesses an abundance of minerals, calcium (the most) but it is also rich in copper, iron, chromium, manganese and nickel.

It affects the cardiovascular system very positively and it is able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Since this vegetable can stabilize the level of sugar in the blood, it is highly recommended in case you suffer form hypoglycaemia and/or diabetes.

Thanks to vitamin C, which stimulates and improves and absorption of iron in the organism, responsible for supplying the blood with oxygen, it helps in recovery process and strengthens the overall health and the body itself.

By regularly consuming turnip you will be able to reduce the risk of kidney stone occurrence, and thanks to calcium, you will also successfully reduce and normalize high blood pressure.

Turnip can also help when it comes to preventing colon cancer occurrence, and it positively affects overall health of the bones, teeth and gums.
