Corgi Sees Depressed Man In Airport, Knowing He Needs Comforting, She Approaches Him

Her owner asked if she was bothering him, but his reply brought a tear to her eye. ❤️

Dogs are known to be ‘man’s best friend’ and when we hear stories like this one, it’s easy to see why.

Cora the Corgi was rescued from her previous family back in July 2017, just a few months before her 8th birthday. She had given birth to numerous litters of puppies during her short 8 years and her last litter had only produced one healthy puppy. Needless to say, Cora had been through a lot.

Little Cora had so many health issues that she had never really known what it felt like to be loved. But what Cora didn’t receive, she made up for with her generous, loving nature. Despite all she had been through, she had abundant love to give.

Madison Palm originally fostered Cora, but she quickly fell in love with the sweet natured corgi and soon adopted her fully. Noticing how wonderful Cora was to everybody she came across, Madison decided to get her trained as a therapy dog.

Cora’s personality is so amazing; she is a lover. She is always right next to me and always keeps a close eye if she’s not. If I’m not available she’ll pick the next closest lap to sit on and nudges your hand unless you are petting her at all times. She is SO sweet and that is usually the first thing people say about her. Her gentle and kind nature never goes unnoticed.

One day, when Madison and Cora were at an airport, Cora proved herself to be a perfect little therapy dog when she sensed that somebody nearby needed her help.

Cora always loved to meet new people, but on this day, she had a very special person to give her love to. Madison let go of Cora’s leash briefly while she relaxed and had a snack, giving Cora the freedom to walk up to a man sat in a nearby chair.

Madison watched as Cora sat calmly next to the gentleman and allowed him to pet her. Worried that she may be bothering the man, she asked him if he was alright with her company. But the man made it very clear that Cora wasn’t bothering him at all.

I asked him if she was bothering him and with a somber face and watery eyes he said, ‘No, no; I lost my dog last night.’ He scratched behind her ears, patted her on the back and was whispering how cute she was. He took out his phone to snap a photo and she sat directly in front of him facing him and staying perfectly still for it.

Cora had clearly sensed that he was upset and decided to take it upon herself to help him feel better. It seemed to work, as the man doted on her and no doubt, went home with a full heart. Cora’s love was able to bring the gentleman some comfort after the loss of his own canine friend.

She knows who is hurting and she knows who needs her. I’ve never questioned that. I am blown away by her on a daily basis. Who knew a dog who was unloved for seven and a half years could have so much love to give?

What an adorable story! Little Cora saw that the man was upset and went out of her way to cheer him up. We should all take a tip from the little pup and be as kind and loving as Cora.

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