Could This Be The World’s #1 Food To Prevent Strokes, High Blood Pressure, And Cholesterol?

You can forget about pills!

With their sweet taste and rich nutritious value, dates are a great alternative for treating a number of health issues. They are rich in magnesium, fiber, vitamin 6 and potassium. Moreover, dates are an excelling source of iron, containing 0.9 milligrams per 100-gram serving, which gives them the ability to boost the iron levels in the blood, and prevent and treat anemia. Furthermore,

Health Benefits of Dates:

  • Stroke

Stroke is considered as the number one cause of death in America. It is estimated that approximately 800,000 people suffer from stroke and 130,000 die from stroke every year. Dates represent a powerful prevention against stroke due to their abundance of potassium. A study that lasted for 11 years and included 90,000 women at an age of 50-79 showed that those who were consuming more potassium had 12% lower risk of stroke and 16% lower risk of ischemic stroke (stroke caused by blocked artery to the brain). Additionally, women who did not suffer from hypertension ever and consume potassium have 27% lower risk of experiencing an ischemic stroke and 21% lower risk to experience any type of stroke.

  • Cholesterol

Dates can lower cholesterol levels due to their rich content of fiber. They contain 6.7 of fiber per 100-gram serving or 27% of the recommended daily intake. Dates contain beta-glucan, fiber which can have a great impact on cholesterol. Beta-glucan can dissolve in fluid in order to create a sticky substance which will bind to cholesterol in food, thus preventing its absorption. Moreover, it can adhere to bile acids of the stomach which contain cholesterol and flushes them out as waste material. As a result, in order to produce more bile, the body needs to take cholesterol in the bloodstream, which in turn lowers cholesterol levels.

  • Blood pressure

It is considered that a balanced diet can significantly lower blood pressure. Dr. Hanna Campos and Dr. Frank M. Sacks claim that the more we consume dried foods such as raisins, prunes, and dates, the more we will be able to lower blood pressure naturally.

  • Constipation

As we mentioned before, dates have rich fiber content, which makes them effective in treating diarrhea and constipation. Fiber has the ability to help bowels move along, thus treating these conditions.

  • Heart Health

Dates are a great source of magnesium, vitamin 6, and potassium. Magnesium can relax the muscles in the heart and blood vessels, while vitamin B6 can remove homocysteine from the blood, thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Potassium, on the other hand, can regulate the electrical impulses which keep steady heartbeat.

  • Dates on a diet

Considering the fact that dates are low on glycemic index and are cholesterol-free, you can consume them when on diet. Nevertheless, they contain sugar, so make sure to consume them in moderation!
