Cure Your Strep Throat In Just One Day Without Taking Any Antibiotics!

I don't need any antibiotics anymore

Strep throat is an infection that is caused by the bacteria known as Streptococcus pyogenes, it is occasioned by an inflammation of the throat that leads to extreme discomfort and pain. This condition is more predominant in children than it is in adults.

You can get relief from the discomfort and pain caused by the inflammation of the throat using antibiotics, but because of the unfavourable side effects of this conventional remedy it is advisable to try out simple but effective homemade solutions that will combat the streptococcus pyogenes bacteria and also boost your immunity against any reoccurrence.

Here are 5 homemade remedies you can try out today to get relief from strep throat in just 24 hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Is Effective

You can make use of ACV to treat your strep throat problem effectively.

Here’s how it’s used.

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of ACV in about 8 ounces of warm water for a small dose or 1/4 cup of ACV in 16 ounces of warm water not hot water for a bigger dose.
  • Gargle this solution in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach and also before you go to bed.
  • In just half an hour you will get relief from your strep throat.

Pure Natural Honey Works Wonders

Pure natural honey is preferred in the treatment of strep throat because of its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It will kill the streptococcus pyogenes bacteria causing your strep throat concerns.

Use An Essential Oil

You can use several essential oils such as cinnamon, lemon, thyme, lavender and lemongrass to combat strep throat infection. These essential oils has excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Try this remedy at home today

  • Just mix any of the aforementioned essential oil in a saucepan with water and heat on a medium flame.
  • You should then inhale the steam that is generated from the essential oil and water solution.
  • Do this by pouring the solution in a bucket and you looking face down in the bucket with a towel over your head to trap the steam.
  • You should inhale the steam for 10 to 15 minutes and you should repeat this treatment as often as necessary until the symptoms of the strep throat infection is gone.

Try Out Cayenne Pepper

You can get rid of your strep throat infection easily an in less than 24 hours just by mixing 1/2 cup of coconut, olive or any other natural carrier oil with 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.

Once you have mixed these two ingredients apply the mixture to your throat area and the heat generated from the mixture will destroy the streptococcus pyogenes bacteria causing the step throat infection.

Increase Your Vitamin C Intake

To combat step throat infection you can and probably should increase your vitamin C intake as vitamin C will boost your immune system to help fight the streptococcus pyogenes bacteria causing the strep throat problem. You can take vitamin C tablets, the white and unflavoured ones are the most effective. You could also take lots of citrus fruits which are rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons and lime.

Try a simple homemade tea by mixing lemon juice and pure natural honey today and drink as often as you want to get relief from the strep throat infection.
