Dad’s Hilarious Showdown With Icy Driveway Has Wife Cracking Up.

Why can I not stop laughing?!?!😂

Between freezing temperatures, snow, and ice, getting through the winter months can be quite difficult. Thankfully, laughter can warm us up from the inside, out!

And while we’d rather not admit it, sometimes a good giggle at a loved one’s expense can be the best (and quickest) way to get toasty. A U.K. mom learned just that when she asked her husband to take the trash out on an especially chilly morning. She had no idea the simplest request would leave her in stitches!

When Mom saw just what was happening, she whipped out her camera, determined to catch the entire interaction on film.

Her husband Alun Miles can be seen trying to move his trash bin from one section of his driveway to the curb… there’s just one small problem. The driveway is covered with a thin layer of black ice.

As his wife and kids cackle with glee, poor Alun just cannot catch a break. He takes a few steps and then slides right back to where he started! To make matters worse, the garbage truck can be seen driving right past. Better luck next week?

But Alun refuses to leave his post. After trying a few different methods, his wife steps in and offers some help. It’s unclear, though, whether or not she’s just trying to prolong the unlikely comedy bit: “Put it in front of you!”

If anything, that makes things harder with the steep driveway pushing him downhill.

We’re not sure why watching Alun’s struggle is so funny, but it definitely is! See how he manages to get up to the fence in the video below and don’t forget to share it with someone to spread the laughs!
