Daughter Starts Acting Strange So Mom Sets Up A Camera To See What The Nanny Does

Whitney came home and noticed the camera facing the wall — and that's when she saw the footage.

It takes a special person to come into another person’s home and watch children. It is a job that some people take too lightly. When Whitney Matney, a law student, needed help with her daughter, Raylee, she hired a woman that came with good references and was even a classmate from high school.

But, soon after the woman was hired, Raylee, 1-year-old, started to act strangely. Whitney and her husband, Chris, set up a nanny cam to see if they could find the cause of their daughter’s strange behavior. The footage the camera recorded was not only sad but infuriating. This nanny they hired to keep their daughter safe was seen on video spanking their daughter and shaking her!

Take a look at this chilling video

Whitney and Chris wasted no time and had the sitter arrested that very evening. If you can’t trust a babysitter that has good references – who can you trust? Share away, people…