Diet With Ginger And Cinnamon: If You Want To Reduce 3 Kilos For 7 Days!!!!

The best way to lose weight!

When it comes to a positive effect on the waistline, the cinnamon and the ginger are not the only spices that can help you lose some inches.

But, they are the only ones which can bring you to your goal in the quickest period of time.

These two drinks are meant for you if you are trying to lose some weight.

Drink both of them to lose 3 kg. in 7 days. After that, you can make a quick 7 day break and start all over again.

The first recipe:

  • A tea spoon of cinnamon
  • A tea spoon of ginger
  • A tea spoon of honey
  • A tea spoon of curry.
  • 500 ml. water
  • 50 plain yoghurt
  • 3 bags of black tea

Put the water into a bowl and start boiling it. After the water starts to boil add all of the ingredients in the bowl, except the yoghurt. After eating this you should not be eating anything else but drink water. Try consuming this drink instead of dinner.

The second recipe:

  • 80 ml. of water
  • 170 ml. of milk
  • A tea spoon of ginger
  • A tea spoon of cinnamon
  • A tea spoon of curry.

Put the water into a bowl and start heating it. Once it gets to a boiling temperature add in all of the spices, and later add in the milk too. Stir the mixture until you get a smooth homogenous liquid mixture.

This drink should be consumed in the evening before going to sleep.

NOTE: These two drinks should not be drank by pregnant women and patients suffering from some kind of digestive or kidney diseases.
