DIY Castor Oil Packs For Liver Detox And Break Down Kidney Stones

Great remedy!

Do you remember being given castor oil as a child, to treat constipation, cold, or fever?  If yes,   you probably remember how irksome it was to swallow it, don’t you? But, it turns out that it is definitely worth the extra effort, as it provides a wide plethora of health benefits.

Castor oil is made of fatty acids, 90% of which is ricinoleic acid. It is the major healing ingredient in castor oil and is used to prevent and inhibit the growth of detrimental microbes like yeasts, molds, bacteria, and viruses.

Castor Oil To Be Taken Orally For Medicinal Benefits

1.   Improves Immune function

Castor oil offers powerful immune-boosting properties which support and enhance the lymphatic drainage.  Using abdominal castor oil packs increases the production of lymphocytes, which in turn helps stimulate the production of antibodies that fight off invading pathogens.

In addition to this, the lymphatic system affects both circulatory and digestive systems in aiding detoxification, supporting heart health, and healing digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea.

2.     Improves Blood Flow

Improving the blood flow helps the blood system pump blood to and from the heart as well as to carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the entire body.  This process is vital part of the nourishment of every cell, ensuring that toxic matter is removed from the body.

3.     Balances Hormones

Consuming castor oil ensures you have a proper blood circulation and less toxins in the blood stream, which in turn helps balance hormones effectively. Consequently, balanced hormones allow the benefits to be distributed to all parts of the body where hormones impact your health.  This means that you will experience less anxiety, mood swings, depression, and PMS symptoms. What`s more, you`ll experience improved health of the thyroid, pancreas, thymus, adrenals and other hormone producing glands.

4.     Improve Digestive Health

When taken orally, castor oil acts as mild laxative and supports healthy bowel movements.  Ricinoleic acid improves digestion, nutrient absorption, and detoxification of the digestive system.  If you have healthier gut, you will experience less digestive issues, such as leaky gut, cramping, bloating, and constipation.

5.     Soothes Arthritic Joint Pains

Inflammation and pain in the joints are typically caused by congestion in the lymphatic system.  Since castor oil has the ability to ease up the lymphatic flow, it helps ease the congestion and alleviate joint pain, too.  To get your lymphatic system moving and ease the congestion, massage castor oil in the affected joints on a regular basis.

6.     Treats Fungal Infections

Ricinoleic acid in castor oil has been long used to treat fungal infections like ringworm, jock itch, shingles, athlete`s foot, and cystic acne.  You can either take it orally or apply it topically.  Heat a tablespoon or two, heat it up a little, and apply onto the affected area.

7.     Treats Inflamed Skin

Castor oil works wonders when it comes to treating bites, dry cracked skin, acne, or sunburns. Simply dip a cotton ball in castor oil, apply onto the affected area, and let it work for an hour.  Repeat two times daily until the skin is completely healed.

8.     Moisturizes Skin And Relieves Itchiness

The fats in castor oil moisturize the skin and relieve itchiness at the same time. It easily penetrates into the skin and stays put due to its hicks consistency. All you have to do is to rub a teaspoon between the palms and apply on the skin.

9.   Healthy Lips

Castor oil is often added to over-the-counter lip balms, and for a very good reason. It works wonders for dry lips and simple rubbing on the lips helps heal cracks in a matter of minutes.  Not to mention that it is far superior and safer than Vaseline.

10.  Relieves Muscle And Back Pain

Castor oil improves blood circulation and relieves soreness after an intense workout. For optimal results and extra soothing effect, combine it with peppermint or chamomile oil. Massage the oil on the back area and cover with a soft cloth.  It is recommended to place a hot water pack to allow the oil to permeate through the skin easily. Repeat the procedure until the pain subsides.

11.  Treats Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids which are outside the body can be easily shrunk with castor oil.  Dip a cotton ball in castor oil and apply onto the affected skin area.   Let it work for 15 minutes and repeat a few times daily.

12.  Assisting A Good Night’s Sleep

While it remains unclear how it works, many people swear by its effectiveness. Simply dab a small amount of the oil on your eyelids and you will fall asleep faster and wake up refreshed in the morning.

13.  Stops Colic in Infants

Rub some of the oil between the palm and then place the warmed palm on your child`s abdomen. Repeat until the baby expels gas in the intestines.

Castor Oil For Beauty, Hair And Health

14.   Hair Growth And To Thicken Hair

Warm up the oil and rub it into the hair and scalp. This improves blood flow to the follicles and stimulates hair growth. For optimal results, leave the oil overnight and cover with a shower cap. Rinse it off in the morning.

15.  Treats Dandruff And Scalp Conditions

Massaging castor oil into the scalp treats dandruff due to its antimicrobial properties.  To treat dandruff and get a healthier and shiner hair, prepare your own mask by mixing a tablespoon of castor oil, a tablespoon of olive oil, and the juice from half a lemon. Apply onto the roots of the hair and let it work for half an hour before rinsing it off.

16.  For Longer Eyelashes And Eyebrows

For longer eyelashes and thicker eyebrows, simply apply castor oil on them with a cotton bud tip. Repeat the procedure every night before bedtime.  This simple procedure stimulates the growth of hair in these areas and provides amazing results within two weeks.

17.  Erases Scars And Stretch Marks

Apply castor oil directly onto the scars or stretch marks, two or three times daily.  The fats in the oil promote growth of healthy tissue and reduce the appearance of scars. Prevention is always better than the cure, isn’t it? To prevent stretch marks from forming during pregnancy, apply castor oil onto the abdomen on a regular basis.

18.  Removes Skin Tags, Corns And Warts

Soak a cotton wool in castor oil and squeeze out the excess.  Then, place it over the skin blemish and secure with bandage or duct tape.  The oil softens corns, warts, and tags in a matter of days and drop off without scarring.

Castor Oil Liver Pack

Benefits Of Using A Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil packs have been found to break down kidney stones, stimulate liver detoxification, increase blood flow, improve lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, and support uterine and ovarian health.


  • High quality castor oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Washable spa body wrap
  • Heat pad
  • Wool Flannel Pad or Cotton Pad or cloth (if using cotton I recommend organic, if possible)


  • Soak the flannel or cotton in the blend of castor and lemon essential oil
  • Place the moistened cloth on the right side of the abdomen,  below the rib cage
  • Secure the body wrap by wrapping the entire abdomen
  • Heat up the pad and place it on the top of the flannel pad
  • Keep the pack in place by lying down, preferably for an hour
