Do You Know How to Prepare Chia Water?

Try this!

Chia Water is a beverage that provides many nutrients to the body and also helps lose weight, lower cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides.

Water of Chia should not be confused with other ways of taking these seeds, since in this case it is a refreshing drink that is totally natural and that contributes a large part of the properties of Chia seeds, therefore it is beneficial for people with Diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, high uric acid, constipation or circulatory problems.

If you are looking for an option and / or ally to maintain or reduce weight, this will undoubtedly be.

Benefits of Chia Water
Due to the fact that chia seeds have great nutritional value, the main benefits that will be provided are:

-Its consumption helps in the control of appetite, providing satiety
-They contain a good protein balance and a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids (even more than flax seeds)
-Chia water is a great alternative to provide the body with antioxidants, which will help prevent cell oxidation and premature aging
-Its consumption is ideal for digestive health.
-Vegetarian people can safely add chia water to their diet
-It is recommended as a great option, to complement the diet and / or plans to lose weight, stimulating, due to its content, to achieve that goal in a natural and healthy way. This, promoting the elimination of adipose (fat) tissue accumulated in the body.
-It is a rich source of fiber

How to make Chia Water with lemon
Chia Water can be prepared in various ways and the recipe that we present below is one of the many that exist to prepare this medicinal drink.

The most popular and richest way to prepare chia water is with lemon, thus intensifying the beneficial effects on health, since this citrus is very nutritious.

Ingredients to prepare Chia Water:
– 3 Tablespoons of Chia seeds
– Juice of 4 lemons
– Sweetener or Stevia
– 1 liter of water

In ½ cup of water, soak the chia seeds (it is recommended that this soaking be at least half an hour or longer, before the preparation of chia water with lemon.
Once the lemons are washed and well dried, cut them in halves, reserve some slices for the final decoration if desired.

1.With the help of a juicer or manually, extract the juice from all the pieces.
2.Blend this juice mixture, along with the water, sweetener and chia seeds, previously soaked.
3.Serve, and want to, decorate with a few slices of lemon, previously reserved, and add ice to taste.
