Try this!

Turmeric is an amazing natural product – it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging properties and can treat numerous health problems. Drinking a glass of turmeric water every day for a week will help you relieve many health problems.

The preparation of this drink is easy – just stir a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water and it’s done.

Drink the mixture fresh every morning for a week, and you will easily resolve the following problems:

Relieves arthritis

Taking into consideration the results form a 2012 study, when was proven that turmeric has strong activity than diclofenac used in treatments of pain and swelling in the joints.

Type 2 diabetes
According to a study conducted at the Auburn University in 2009, turmeric water can reverse the condition if consumed regularly. The results of the study were published by Biochemistry and Biophysical Research and Biophysical Research Communications.

Fights inflammation
Chronic inflammation comes as cause for many diseases. However, this spice has potent anti-inflammatory properties and fights the inflammation even better than certain anti-inflammatory drugs.

Improves digestion
Consuming turmeric regularly will improve your digestion and stimulate bile production.

Besides treating these conditions, turmeric can help you with:

Cardiovascular health
Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, will clean your arteries of the plaque build-up as well as blood clots. The Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulleting published the results of a study done in 2011 where a team of scientists from the Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences in Japan found out that supplying turmeric to male rats injected with an autoimmune heart disease can considerably improve their condition.

Brain health
According to a study, low levels of the BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) are related to cognitive disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists have also found out that curcumin can affect the levels of this important hormone, leading to a reversal of the diseases and eliminating the decline of the brain function caused by aging.

Liver protection
It acts on the liver in the way that protects it from toxic damage and regenerates the damaged cells. Also, it also stimulates the production of bile, boosts the gallbladder function, and reduces the engorged hepatic ducts.

Prolongs life and prevents the aging process

Free radical damage and inflammation in the body are the main factors of aging, and curcumin perfectly inhibits their activity.

Alkalizes the body

The rich alkaline content of turmeric will help you alkalize the body, effectively preventing the effects of cancer.

Anti-cancer properties

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant which prevents cell damage caused by unstable molecules.
