Doctors Are Speechless Boil These 2 Ingredients – Drink The Beverage For 7 Days And Lose Up To 5 Pounds!

An effective weight loss recipe!

With the summer fast approaching, nothing seems more important than getting your body ready for the beach. If you’ve put on a few extra pounds during winter, don’t worry.

Here we recommend an effective weight loss recipe that will help you drop those extra pounds without following a strict dietary regimen or spending hours at the gym.

If you’re time-bound, this is just the thing you need. All you need to do is mix a few ingredients from your kitchen and drink before going to bed.  What makes this recipe so popular is that it works while you’re sleeping.


  • 2 tsps. organic honey
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon powder
  • 250ml water


Start by bringing the water to a boil. Once it boils, remove from heat and add the cinnamon. Leave it to cool down. Add the honey only when it’s cool enough as hot beverages destroy the nutrients it contains.

The ideal time to drink this brew is before you go to bed and on an empty stomach in the morning. Get ready for the summer!
