Don’t Spend Your Money On Pedicure: Use Two Ingredients From Your Kitchen and Make Your Feet Look Nice

Your feet will look nice!

Feet is considered as the most ignored part of the body in terms of hygiene. People tend to take more care of hands than their feet. However, the beautiful feet can also make you the centre of attraction.

There are many accessories available now to improve the look of your feet. But it is important to first keep the skin of your feet healthy and glowing. The beauty salon nowadays has started providing pedicure services. The pedicure is quite expensive and takes a lot of time too.

On a busy scheduled life, it is difficult to take out time and visit the salon for a pedicure. But what if you can take care of your feet at home? Yes, there is a homemade DIY remedy which will help you to take care of flaky, dry,scaly and tired feet.

The best part of this homemade treatment is that the ingredients required for this remedy are inexpensive and readily available in the kitchen cabinet.

Here is the detailed recipe which you should follow to provide loving,caring and tender treatment to your feet.

Things you need:

  • Milk — 2 to 4 cups
  • Baking soda – 3 tbsp


  1. Take 2-4 cups of warm milk.
  2. Pour it in a small tub and add 3 tbsp of baking soda to it.
  3. Stir it well and dip your feet in the solution.
  4. Allow your feet to soak in the solution for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Rinse your feet using warm water.
  6. Pat dry your feet with a clean towel and apply regular foot cream to feet.

Use this remedy twice a week and you will get smooth, soft and healthy looking feet in no time. This will say your money you need to spend on a pedicure. Also, the remedy is very easy and quick that you can use it just before going to a party.

Wear an anklet and apply dark nail pain to your foot nails. Your feet will become worth noticing and you might get a compliment for your beautiful feet.
