Early Signs That Cancer is Growing in Your Body + 12 Tips to Reduce Cancer Risk

Pay attention!

Routine tests are not the only way to detect early cancer. It is more important that you observe your body for any changes, and notice if there is something odd or different about your body.

We give you some of the most commonly overlooked signs of early cancer:

Wheezing / Shortness of breath
This is the first thing lung cancer patients experience.

Chronic cough / Chest pain
Leukemia, lung tumors, and other types of cancer cause cough-like symptoms, and the patients usually believe that they are dealing with bronchitis. Lung cancer patients explain that they have often felt how their chest pain spreads to their shoulder and arm.

Frequent fevers / Infections
This is the most common symptom of leukemia, a type of cancer that affects blood cells and first develops in the bone marrow. This triggers the development of more white blood cells than the body needs, which affects the body’s ability to fight infections.

Difficulty swallowing
This could indicate the development of esophageal or throat cancer. Sometimes it is a sign of lung cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes or lumps in the neck, underarm and groin
Any changes in your lymph nodes may indicate that there is something wrong with your lymphatic system, and unfortunately, it is sometimes a sign of cancer.

Excessive bruising and bleeding that won’t stop
It means that something is wrong with your platelets and red blood cells. Sometimes it indicates the development of leukemia. As time goes by, the number of leukemia cells grows bigger than that of red blood cells and platelets, which makes blood unable to carry oxygen and clot.

Weakness and fatigue
Constant fatigue and weakness may be a sign of various types of cancer, and it is often followed by many other symptoms. But, if you feel exhausted for no reason, and if proper sleeping does not help, you may want to consult your doctor.

Bloating / Abdominal weight gain
Sudden bloating may be a sign of ovarian cancer, and sometimes it continues on and off. Women diagnosed with this type of cancer recall the sudden weight gain in their abdomen.

Pelvic and abdominal pain
Aches and cramps in the pelvis and the abdominal area alarm that you may be dealing with ovarian cancer. These symptoms are often accompanied with bloating. Leukemia sometimes causes abdominal pain, because the spleen is larger than normal.

Rectal bleeding or bloody stool
It is one of the first signs before diagnosing colorectal cancer. If you notice blood in your stool, consult your doctor immediately. Do a colonoscopy as soon as possible.

Heavy and painful periods / Bleeding between cycles
This may be a sign of endometrial or uterine cancer. A transvaginal ultrasound will help you solve the dilemma.

Sores and skin lumps that do not heal, become crust or bleeds
These are all signs of skin cancer. There are several types of skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Check your skin for any odd changes, spots and growths.

Sometimes cancer appears 10 years after the exposure to tobacco, chemicals, radiation, cell phones, poor nutrition, and other cancer-causing agents.

Change the development of cancer
Cancer involves numerous ailments manifested through uncontrolled growth and spread of cancer cells. It is all about the way of controlling the abnormal growth and preventing the cancer from further growth.

The body can heal itself, and this power emerges from your lifestyle habits. Healthy diet, physical activity, proper sleep, sun exposure and addressing the emotional stress can maintain the natural balance in the body.

The condition of cancer patients gets worse because they neglect these health principles and undergo aggressive and risky treatments like surgery, chemo, and radiation.

Believe it or not, even the worst cancers can disappear without any treatment. Experts agree that cancer patients often die as a result of their chemotherapy.

Over 90% of all cancer patients die, and this only confirms the fact that conventional treatments do more harm than good, as explained by Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian oncologist.

Cancer rates are on the rise
Over 1.5 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer, and this does not include the million patients who will be diagnosed with basal and squamous cell skin cancer. This information is released by the American Cancer Society.

Over 1,500 cancer patients die every day, or one out of four death cases in the US. Experts predict that by 2030, over 26 million people will be diagnosed with cancer each year, and 17 million will die from the modern plague.

But, these deaths can be prevented.

Experts from the American Cancer Society explain that over a third of 562,000 cancer deaths will occur as a result of obesity, physical inactivity, and poor dietary habits. Tobacco will take another 169,000 lives.

People are not aware of the fact that vitamin D deficiency is a commonly overlooked cause of cancer. It is the vitamin you get when exposed to sun.

About half of all cancer cases will be prevented if people increase their vitamin D intake.
How to know if you have cancer?

Seek for an advice from a good natural health care practitioner. It is up to you to decide what works best for you, we can only advise you to keep your mind open.

Most patients are told that chemo and other conventional cancer treatments are the only way to treat cancer. But, we have some good news for you. There are better options for your condition, and these are safer than any chemo drug. Do you have some baking soda in your kitchen pantry?

Baking soda acts as a natural chemo drug, and it only targets cancer cells. It does not cause any side effects and does not cost a fortune. Dr. Mark Sircus explains that the only problem with baking soda is its price. It is immensely cheap. Baking soda does not bring profit, which is why no one promotes it.

Dr. Simoncini claims that 99% of all breast and bladder cancers can disappear within six days. His experience shows that this does not require any surgery, chemo or radiation. A simple local infiltration device, like a catheter, can bring the sodium bicarbonate directly into the affected area.

Some of these techniques are documented, so you better watch the videos.

Dr. Hammer offers the GNM, or German New Medicine. He believes that cancer and every other disease is caused by shock, stress and unpleasant experience. The doctor claims that patients should resolve their emotional trauma in order to improve their condition.

Dr. Hamer got a prison sentence because he refused to disavow his revolutionary findings. The doctor refused to stop applying his “unorthodox” treatment, and now he is living in exile. Dr. Hamer still seeks asylum from persecution.

Bring your vitamin D level up
Cancer patients should take better care of their vitamin D level.

Calcitriol is the strongest steroid hormone in the human body, and it is naturally produced when the body gets enough vitamin D. the bad news is that most cancer patients lack this vitamin.

This hormone is the activated form of vitamin D, and it induces cell differentiation and controls cell proliferation. It provides an amazing protection against cancer.

People who deal with vitamin D deficiency fail to produce enough calcitriol to reduce their cancer.

This approach has almost no side effects, and it costs nothing at all. If you have some of the aforementioned symptoms, make sure you boost your vitamin D levels to a therapeutic range.

12 tips on how to reduce your risk of developing cancer
As mentioned before, anti-cancer lifestyle can help you maintain your health at optimal level. Healthy living is of utmost importance in the prevention of cancer. We give you the top 12 tips on reducing your risk of cancer:

Increase your vitamin D level
Spend more time in the sun, and consider using high-quality supplements if you cannot get enough sun exposure. Check your vitamin D levels regularly.

Avoid processed food, sugar and grain carbs
This applies to unprocessed organic grains, because they break down too fast, and increase your insulin and leptin levels. This is the last thing cancer patients need.

Regulate your fasting insulin and leptin levels
Simple blood tests can do the job for you.

Balance the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids
Take high-quality animal-based omega-2 fats. Krill oil is a nice option. Stay away from processed vegetable oils.

Be more active
Exercising drops insulin down. Control your insulin level to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Sleep well.

Eat according to your blood type
Blood type diet has an amazing effect on overall health, and this principle is usually underappreciated. This is one of the most powerful anti-cancer strategies.

Limit the exposure to environmental toxins
These include pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners, and air pollution.

Protect yourself from radiation
Make sure you use your cell phone less than usual, stay away from cell phone towers, base stations, and WiFi stations.

Do not fry or charbroil your food
Boiling, poaching and steaming are healthier options.

Reprogram your neurological short-circuiting that may activate your cancer genes
CDC agrees that 85% of all cancer cases are caused by emotions. This is more important than any other physical factor, so make sure you address our emotions and stress. Try the Meridian Tapping Technique.

At least one-third of your food should be raw
You can also try eating 85% of your food raw, of course, if this works for you.

Conservative researchers do not back up these tips. But, did you know that about 85% of conventional cancer therapies are not formally backed up either?
