Breakfast is very important thing

According to scientists breakfast is the most important meal especially if you plan to lower or to maintain your weight. Because of that it is very important to think about some options for the most important meal for the entire day.
Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism made a study and proved that best choice for breakfast is oatmeal.

In this study were included 36 women and men. They were divided into 3 different groups and all of the participants consumed 350 calories. First group consumed oatmeal for breakfast, the second one cornflakes and the third one didn’t eat breakfast, only consumed water. In the next 3 hours participants continuously measured their state of satiety. They also gave blood samples for control of blood sugar and insulin levels. All of the participants consumed the same food for lunch.

The participants from the second group that ate cornflakes felt hunger three hours after the breakfast. Cornflakes have the same quantity of calories as the breakfast of the first group. The difference is that oatmeal retains much longer in the stomach while the cornflakes increase the glucose levels in the blood.
We can conclude that oatmeal is one of the best choices for breakfast if you want to lose weight. This is due to the fact that it has 31 – 50 % less calories that you will notice after longer period of consuming.

Oats and its derivates such as flakes and pulp are tasty and very healthy at the same time. It is important to know that you should combine oatmeal with almost every salad, supplement stew and every dish.

You will feel full for a longer period of time
Oats contain fibers that increase the volume when they are in the digestive system. Also fiber stimulates the digestion.

Lowers cholesterol
As you read oats are rich in healthy fiber. This food is capable to bind fat for itself and the result of that are reduced levels of the bad cholesterol in the blood. Oatmeal is great for the heart and blood vessels. That will lower the chances of heart attacks or stroke.

Reduces blood pressure
This is one of the best foods that will help you to normalize the blood pressure. Oats contain vegetable fiber that is called lignin. According to studies regular consummation of lignin reduces blood pressure for 30%.

Reduces the risk of cancer
British Medical Journal made a study that shows that oats lower the risk of breast, colon, ovarian and prostate cancer.
