Empty Your Bowels And Get Rid Of Toxic Waste With This Amazing Method!

Worth saving!

If the food we have eaten remains insufficiently digested, it might cause accumulation of mucus in the colon, which will further cause increasing of the amount of toxins in the organism.

These accumulated toxins cause headache, increasing of the overall body weight, fatigue, unclean skin and lack of energy.

However, there is a successful method through which you can eliminate toxins from the organism and thus cleanse your intestines.

Ingredients needed:

— 1 apple

— 1 tablespoon of honey

— 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

— 1 tablespoon of chia

— 1 cup of water

Method of preparation:

Put all above mentioned ingredients in a blender, (except the chia seeds) and blend them well. Next, add a cup of water into the mixture, stir well, and then add the chia seeds. Stir this mixture for not more than 5 minutes. Then, let it stand still for another 5 minutes before you start consuming the beverage.

Additional advice:

When you are consuming a variety of ingredients that are rich in fiber, such as seeds and apples, it is mandatory to drink lot of water. Once these ingredients reach the intestines they swell and thus absorb the moist.

By practicing this method you will be able to maintain having healthy stool and perfectly normal functioning of the entire organism.
