Find Out How Much You Have To Walk To Start Losing Weight!

Before you go on and read this article to start walking on a daily basis, consult with your doctor for advice if you are healthy enough to perform this activity on daily basis.

It is known for a fact that we burn calories while walking, but the question of how much calories do we burn depends on two factors:

  • Body Weight
  • Walking area

In just one hour of walking, your body will burn 400 calories, walking with an average speed of 4 miles per hour.

How many steps will it take to burn calories?

  • 1 mile = 2,000 steps = 100 calories burned
  • 1 pound – 3,5000 calories

Therefore, in order to lose 1 pound of weight weekly, you will need to burn 500 calories per day, or in other words, walk 5 miles every day.

Some useful tips to better adjust to a walking routine are:

  • Avoid using the bus, and walk to your workplace or home
  • Avoid parking your car in front of the destination you need to get to
  • Walk to the station and forget about taking a bus or taxi
  • Avoid using the elevator, only the stairs
  • Walk your children to school

How Often Should You Walk?

It is recommended that your first three days of performing this routine should consist of 15-20 minute walks, and gradually increase to 30-60 minutes of walking on a daily basis. This has been scientifically confirmed to be the easiest and best way to lose weight without following strict diets and exercise regimes.
