Five Ingredients that Poison your Brain

You probably eat these 5 things every single day, and they are all damaging your brain. Please share with loved ones.

These days there are so many toxic ingredients which are gut disturbing, liver compromising, and brain damaging.  The good news is that there are some things we can do to avoid them and protect ourselves. Below you have a list of five ingredients that poison the brain and which should be avoided at any cost.

1.      Gluten

Gluten is protein found in kumut, spelt, wheat, rye, and barley. It is sticky and tends to bind to the small intestinal wall, causing digestive and immune system disorders, such as celiac disease. Moreover, there is also non-celiac, gluten sensitivity, a condition which is the key factor to inflammatory disorders of the nervous system and the brain.

It has been scientifically shown that there is a strong link between gluten sensitivity and disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.  This ingredient has been linked to psychiatric disorders, dementia, cognitive impairment, and many more.

2.      Artificial Sweeteners

Aspartame, sucralose, saccharin and all types of artificial sweeteners are popular due to their zero calorie marketing. However, it turns out that these sweeteners are toxic and detrimental to the brain. For instance, aspartame, which is a combination of many chemicals, including methanol, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid, produces a brain-tumor chemical when broken down.

The consumption of aspartame causes different symptoms, including migraines, slurred speech, depression, and anxiety attacks. It is found in chewing gums, tabletop sweeteners, flavored water, cereal, sodas, yogurt, cooking sauces, and other sugar-free products.

3.      Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, is a concentrated form of salt which is added to foods to enhance flavor. It actually tricks the taste buds and the brain into thinking that the food is delicious, but it also stimulates the production of excess dopamine, thefeel-goodd drug. Being an excitotoxin, this ingredient is associated with brain damage and other neurological diseases, such as lupus, dementia, MS, Parkinson`s disease, Alzheimer`s disease, etc

It is commonly found in salad dressing, canned soups and vegetables, barbecue sauce, bouillon cubes, and other processed foods.

4.      Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is both most popular and most dangerous ingredient in our food. Regular sugar intake is associated with many health issues which negatively affect the brain.

The problem with refined sugar is that it suppresses BDNF, a growth hormone which is of utmost importance for the brain.  The brain derived neorotrophic factor (BDNF), triggers new relations between the neurons in the brain which are important for the memory function. It has been scientifically shown that low BDNF levels in people suffering from schizophrenia and depression combined with sugar intake could worsen those conditions.

In addition to this, refined sugar increases inflammation, disrupting the immune and digestive system. Chronic inflammation increases the risk of schizophrenia and depression.  Both depressed people and those who want to improve their mental mood and clarity should eliminate refined sugar from their diets.

5.      Fluoride

It seems that the decision to add fluoride to public drinking water is one of the most dangerous effects on our brain as well as on the overall health.

As reported by the Fluoride Action Network, fluoride is associated with lower IQ. A study funded by UNICEF has shown that IQ was reduced at the level which is added to U.S drinking water, which is 0.88 mg/l.

Additionally, the Fluoride Action Network stated that 34 studies associate fluoride to lower IQ levels, while other studies suggest that it is linked to altered neurobehavioral function, fetal brain damage, and memory impairment.
