Four-Minutes-A-Day Exercises Yield Results In Less Than A Month

You will have perfect shape in 27 days!

Want to change your body in just four minutes? You probably think it sounds too good to be true. However, if you find the strength to do plank every day, you’ll get a terrific body, plus a significant increase in stamina and energy.

 Although the plank doesn’t give immediate results, its slow pace will eventually result in amazing outcome! All you need to do is to hold the plank for four weeks. First, you need to stay in this position for 20 seconds only. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Slowly but steadily, you will increase your stamina until you can do plank for four minutes! Just follow this plan:
Day 1 — 20 seconds
Day 2 — 20 seconds
Day 3 — 30 seconds
Day 4 — 30 seconds
Day 5 — 40 seconds
Day 6 — Rest
Day 7 — 45 seconds
Day 8 — 45 seconds
Day 9 — 60 seconds
Day 10 — 60 seconds
Day 11 — 60 seconds
Day 12 — 90 seconds
Day 13 — Rest
Day 14 — 90 seconds
Day 15 — 90 seconds
Day 16 — 120 seconds
Day 17 — 120 seconds
Day 18 — 150 seconds
Day 19 — Rest
Day 20 — 150 seconds
Day 21 — 150 seconds
Day 22 — 180 seconds
Day 23 — 180 seconds
Day 24 — 210 seconds
Day 25 — Rest
Day 26 — 210 seconds
Day 27 — 240 seconds
Day 28 — As long as you can!

How to do plank correctly

  • While doing this exercise, it’s essential to choose the right position.
  • Here’s how it should look: Make sure your hands are positioned correctly. Elbows are directly under the shoulders to ensure proper weight distribution.
  • Spine remains straight. Avoid rounding and excessive pressure on the neck and back. Keep your legs slightly apart. You should feel your thighs.
  • Adjust the distance between the legs as necessary.
  • Your breathing is slow, and your body is relaxed.
