Beautiful and healthy hair

Long and luxurious locks are a dream of every women. Not only does a head full of shiny hair adds to one’s attractiveness but also improves the overall health of body. Hair fall and unhealthy hair are two of the most common problems associated with people, but here we have effective natural remedies — using curry leaves.

Curry leaves constitutes a combination of essential nutrients required for the growth of hair. They are rich in antioxidants and amino acids which are capable of reducing hair fall and stimulate hair growth. They help in preventing the hair strands from thinning by means of strengthening hair follicles. Curry leaves are also a rich source of beta-carotene and proteins. Beta carotene limits hair loss while presence of proteins prevents hair thinning.

Curry leaves can be used as a great stimulant for hair growth either through topical application or through your diet. As you might know, they’re a great source of effective nutrients.

Let us see what are the major ingredients present in curry leaves.

Prevents Premature Greying: Combine curry leaves along with a hair oil and apply them onto your scalp. For this purpose heat pure or virgin oil and put one handful of fresh curry leaves. The best way is to use the plant at home. It is important to keep curry leaves washed and in a completely dried form so it will soak in oil. Once mixed, the oil will turn green. They work wonderfully well in conditioning and nourishing the hair.

Stimulates Hair Growth: Take a handful of curry leaves and mix them with yogurt to make a paste and use it as a hair mask. Apply them on your hair and wait for 20 minutes. Once it is done, wash them off with water (preferably warm) and shampoo. Use this mask regularly so as to rejuvenate hair follicles and promote growth of new hair.

Repairs Damaged Roots: The roots of our hair may get damaged due to various reasons like chemical treatments, pollution etc. Due to the abundance of essential nutrients, curry leaves can effectively repair damaged roots. The best method is to apply them directly onto the scalp. It is evident that curry leaves can act as first aid for your damaged hair. Once the roots of your hair gets stronger, hair growth will speed up automatically.

Reduces Hair Fall:
Mix 2-3 curry leaves with a few drops of milk. Apply this paste onto your hair and wait for half an hour. After that, wash it off and clean your hair as usual. This process if followed regularly will prevent hair fall to a great extend.

Rejuvenation of Hair Follicles: Hair follicles play a major role in maintaining the health of hair. If proper amount of nutrients are not provided to these follicles, it can lead to various kind of hair damages. Curry leaves are an excellent source of nutrients which can effectively strengthen your hair follicles in no time.

Strengthening of Hair Shafts:
Most of you might not even know what hair shaft is. It is nothing but a section of hair above the scalp. Curry leaves have vitamin B6 in very high quantities, capable of acting as a hormone regulator in the process of hair loss. Hence they are capable of strengthening both hair root as well as hair shafts.

For Weight Loss: I know many of you won’t believe this! But yes curry leaves can actually help you lose weight. Just like most of the herbs, curry leaves also controls the digestive system. This in turn helps in shedding off extra weight.

For Acne: Applying a paste of 2-3 fresh curry leaves mixed along with organic turmeric is considered as a perfect home remedy for acne treatment.

Hair Treatment Recipes

Curry Tea For Your Hair
Boil some curry leaves in water, squeeze a lime and add some sugar to it. Drink this tea daily for 1 week this will increase hair growth, make your hair smooth, shiny and prevent white hairs. Intake of curry leaves is good for the digestive system too and it resolves many hair problems.

Curry leaves can be used as a great natural hair tonic. Applying them on to the hair will distribute the nutrients equally to the entire scalp.

Curry Leaves as Hair Tonic

Handful of curry leaves
Cup of water (warm)


Take water in a bowl and drop 2-3 curry leaves in it. Mix them properly until the leaves becomes soft. Once they gets soft, the water will turn greenish in color.

Cool off the tonic by any cooling methods or wait for some time. Once the tonic is completely cooled, gently apply them all over your scalp.

Continue massaging your hair for 10-15 minutes.

Try to follow this procedure at least twice a week.

Curry Leaves as Hair Mask
Hair mask made with curry leaves are filled with essential moisture retaining properties that will help to keep your hair soft and healthy. Apart from cleaning the scalp, these masks also aids in restoring the hair strength and shields them from different sorts of damages.

Curry Leaves as Hair Oil

Yes you heard it right! Curry leaves can be used as an ingredient in hair oils. This is the most effective way for gaining improved hair growth. On applying hair oil, the nutrients in the leaves will penetrate deep into the scalp and work on the roots.

Cup of coconut oil
4-5 curry leaves.
