Health Conditions Which Can Be Treated By Onions

It has health-beneficial and medicinal properties.

There is no doubt that onions are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, and there have been more than a thousands of online articles describing its health-beneficial and medicinal properties.

For starters, they are a natural antibiotic and can help in the fight against all sorts of conditions and diseases. They contain huge amounts of sulfur which is one of the main reasons behind its amazing antiseptic and antibiotic properties, and aside from that, the vegetable is loaded with a large portion of antioxidant known as Querecetin, which destroys free radicals in the body.

On top of that, thanks to its sulfur and flavonoid properties, the food is excellent for diabetes, arthritis, the heart, as well as the cholesterol levels in the body.

But to enter the more specific uses of onions when it comes to its medicinal properties, we’ve made a short list of all the scenarios onions can be used in everyday life and healthy choices.

1. Insect Stings

If you happen to be allergic to wasp or bee stings, their bites can be fatal in most cases. So in case you find yourself in an unpleasant scenario, remove the stinger immediately and then, crush and apply a piece of onion on the affected area. The pain and swelling will be gone in no time.

2. High Body Temperature

Believe it or not, all you have to do when suffering from high body temperature is place some onion slices in your socks. They have been proven to immediately lower the temperature and work as an effective home remedy.

3. Detoxification

When it comes to detoxification benefits, its better not to get started. Just by consuming this vegetable you will remove the waste as well as toxins from your body and feel better, more energized and happier.

4. Clogged Ears

If you are suffering from clogged ears, don’t worry! Just remove the soft core of the vegetable, place it in a cloth and then place it in the entrance of the ear canal. Let it remain like this overnight, and remove it in the morning. This will soften the wax accumulation in the ear canal and make it easier for you to remove it.

5. Burns

If you accidentally burn yourself, all you have to do is place a piece of onion on the burned spot, and this will help relieve pain in an instant!
