Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Coconut Water Every Day For 14 Days


The amazing benefits of coconut water have been long used in the tropical regions.

It is made from the young green coconuts, and each nut involves 200-1000 milliliters (around 1-4 cups) of coconut water.

This organic beverage is low in calorie, and a fantastic delicious and refreshing taste. Also, the tender coconut water is higher in important nutrients than the mature coconut water.

This healthy drink is loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, B-complex vitamins, and minerals like zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium.

Its micronutrients strengthen the immune system, and the plant hormones, called cytokines, have potent anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-thrombotic properties.

For best effects, choose fresh and pure coconut water instead of the bottled options. You can also add it to your smoothies and consume it daily. These are the most important health benefits of this healthy drink:

Rehydrates the Body
This beverage is excellent for quenching thirst, especially in the summer. It is rich in electrolytes, so it hydrates the body and prevents fluid loss in cases of diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive sweating.

It also provides lots of energy, as it is rich in carbohydrates. Its consumption of recommended after exercise, due to these properties. It is also easy on the stomach, so it treats various digestive issues, like acid reflux, indigestion, and gastroenteritis.

Regulates Blood Sugar
This healthy drink is high in amino acids and dietary fiber, which regulate blood sugar and enhance the insulin sensitivity. It is of great help in the case of diabetes. Additionally, it improves circulation and treats various symptoms, like numbness, and also decreases the risk of atherosclerosis.

The Food and Function journal published a 2012 research which examined the effects of coconut water and showed that the mature coconut water reduced the blood glucose levels and prevents oxidative stress.

Treats Headaches
Dehydration is a common cause for headaches and even migraines. This drink provides a lot of electrolytes and hydrates the body. It is high in magnesium, which is also very useful, as magnesium deficiency often results in migraines. Therefore, coconut water reduces the migraine attacks.

Lowers Blood Pressure
Due to its magnesium, vitamin C, and potassium content, this drink regulates blood pressure. The potassium also balanced the adverse effects of sodium. The West Indian Medical Journal (2005) published a research which confirmed that this water controls hypertension.

You should consume a cup of coconut water twice a day to lower high blood pressure. Always use fresh coconut water, as the bottles versions are higher in sodium.

Supports Heart Health
Coconut water is fat and cholesterol free, so it supports heart health, and helps to reduce the low – density lipoprotein, called “bad” cholesterol or the LDL, and to raise the high-density lipoprotein, or “good “cholesterol or the HDL levels, so it significantly lowers the risk of heart disease.

A 2012 research published in the Medicinal Food Journal showed that both tender and mature coconut water have positive effects on the lipid metabolism, and prevent the rise of total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), triglycerides and LDL.

Furthermore, coconut water has potent anti-platelet, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties and improves blood circulation, so it protects against plaque formation in the arteries, and thus reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Promotes Weight Loss
Coconut water is excellent for weight loss, as it is low in calories, and is great for digestion. It also involves many bioactive enzymes, which help digestion and boost the metabolism of fats.

It is also abundant in potassium which aids the sodium balance, and the excessive amounts of sodium lead to water retention. Thus, it flushes out the excess water, along with the toxins accumulated in the body.

To lose excess pounds, you should consume an 8-ounce cup of coconut water 3-4 times per week. Do not drink it in excessive amounts, as it may provide opposite effects, and provide more calories.

Acts as Natural Diuretic
Coconut water act as diuretic, promotes the production and flow of urine, and thus detoxifies the system, and prevents urinary tract infections. Potassium alkalizes the urine and dissolves kidney stones, if present.

You can also add some sea salt to it and drink it once or twice a day, for best effects. Its powerful antibacterial properties prevent and treat bladder infections. However, you should avoid coconut water if you have high potassium levels, or if you suffer from some kidney disorders.

Decelerates the Aging Process
Cytokines in this water have potent anti-aging effects on tissues and cells, so it prevents age-related illnesses, as well as degenerative diseases.

Also, coconut water hydrates and nourishes the skin, and makes it soft and smooth. You should mix a cup of this drink and 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder to make a paste.

Next, apply this paste on the skin, leave it to dry, and rinse it off with water. This will rejuvenate the skin and promote its health.

Balances pH Levels
Stress, modern lifestyles, toxins, processed foods, sugar; all of these factors contribute to an acidic environment in the body.

Acidic pH levels lead to reduced energy, fatigue, and inability for the body to absorb the needed minerals and vitamins. On the other hand, coconut water alkalizes the body and restores the pH balance.

Relieves Hangovers
This drink is an excellent remedy for hangovers. Alcohol dehydrates the body and it leads to morning sickness and nausea. Coconut water is high in electrolytes and hydrates the body, so it provides great relief.

Moreover, it has strong oxidative properties and prevents oxidative stress due to excessive alcohol consumption. In the morning, prepare yourself a smoothie with two glasses of unsweetened coconut water and ripe mangoes, 2 fresh mints, half a glass of ice and 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Additional Tips
This beverage is not recommended in the case of nut allergies
Coconut water may cause stomach bloating and mild stomach upset
In the case of kidneys dysfunction, patients should consult their doctor before the consumption of coconut water.
Its consumption is not recommended at least 2 weeks before or after a surgery, as it may have an impact on the blood pressure
