Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Green Tea Every Day

The amazing healing benefits of green tea.

Drinking green tea has been a part of Japanese culture since the dawn of time, but recently the habit has spread to the West as well. Green tea is among the most beneficial drinks you can consume, and today we’re going to show you why you need to drink it every day.

Nutritionists recommend green tea as an alternative to coffee. The tea is even better than a hot cuppa Joe – it contains numerous antioxidants and has impressive health benefits. Green tea is rightfully considered the king of teas thanks to its ability to improve our overall health. Here are a few of green tea’s main health benefits:

Reinforces your immune system

Green tea can boost the body’s defenses and prevent viral and bacterial infections.

Assists in the prevention of cancer

According to one study, the rich nutritional profile of green tea can assist in the prevention of lung, prostate, breast, pancreatic and stomach cancer.

Regulates your cholesterol levels

Drink a cup of green tea per day to regulate your cholesterol levels and prevent a variety of cardiovascular problems.

Improves the function of your liver

Drinking green tea every day can reduce the risk of fatty liver disease and improve the function of the organ. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body and should be kept healthy at all times.

Promotes weight loss

When combined with a healthy diet and physical activity, green tea can indeed promote weight loss. According to experts, if you’re consistent, you should see result in only 3 months.

Fights constipation

Green tea is a perfect remedy against numerous digestive problem including constipation. It has a mild laxative effect which will speed up the intestinal transit and fight constipation.

Treats baldness

Green tea contains polyphenols such as catechin which can block the DHT, a factor which is related to hair loss. By blocking the activity of this compound, you will be able to regrow your hair. Furthermore, green tea contains a rare compound known as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which can boost hair growth and treat problems such as dry scalp, dandruff and seborrhea.
