Homemade Lemonade to Quickly Make Your Body Alkaline

Go alkaline.

The pH balance in the body is of essential importance for the overall health, as its acidic state is closely linked to numerous diseases. For optimal health, it needs to be slightly alkaline, and modern diets actually make our bodies excessively acidic.

In an acidic state, the body needs to borrow minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium from vital organs and bones in order to neutralize and eliminate the acid.  This is the onset of diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.

According to the findings of a seven-year study, which involved 9,000 women and was conducted at the University of California, participants who have chronic acidosis are at an increased risk for bone loss than those with normal pH levels.

Moreover, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in many cases, the hip fractures among middle-aged women are linked to high acidity, due to a diet rich in animal foods and low in vegetables.

Dr. William Lee Cowden says:

“Immune cells that are too acid or too alkaline do not produce antibodies or cytokines (chemical messengers to regulate other immune cells), and they have impaired phagocytosis (the ability to engulf and destroy microbes).

As a result, the affected individual becomes susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal and other infectious microbes as well as cancer.”

Therefore, in order to strengthen immunity and overall health and regenerate bone health, the body needs to be alkalized.

The following delicious homemade lemonade will quickly alkalize your body and help you prevent numerous diseases and health issues. Here is how to prepare it:


  • 2 lemons
  • purified water
  • 2 teaspoons raw honey


You should squeeze the juice from the lemons into a 16-ounce glass, add the lemon and water, and drink this tasty and healthy lemonade throughout the entire day.

Source: livingtraditionally.com