How to Cook Rice With Coconut Oil to Burn More Fat and Drastically Cuts its Calories

The secret ingredient you should use in order to increase the content of resistant starch in white rice is coconut oil!

To be able to maintain a healthy body weight, one should make sure he/she burns the consumed calories every day.

Yet, the USDA reports that the average American eats 500 more calories daily than needed, and other experts warn that we consume 100% more food than we actually need, which explains the high rates of obesity.

Sudhair James from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka, at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s biggest scientific society, revealed a new method for cooking rice.

The goal is to reduce the caloric absorption by 10-12% and potentially up to 50-60%.

Actually, he found a new way to make rice a resistant (indigestible) starch, which will prevent the absorption of the starch or sugar from entering the bloodstream.

Rice, as most starches, is highly digestible and is quickly converted to glucose (sugar) in the blood. The, most of it is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen, but the rest gets stored as fat, leading to obesity and numerous other health issues.

On the other hand, resistant starches (RS) pass through the small intestines without being digested and serve as food for the good microbes in the large intestines, while lowering the risk of the accumulation of excess glucose in the blood and supporting the health of the colon cells.

Moreover, resistant starches also support the natural fat0burning process and the healthy elimination of fat.

The secret ingredient you should use in order to increase the content of resistant starch in white rice is coconut oil!

All you need to do is the following:

Add a teaspoon of this oil to the boiling water, and as soon as it dissolved, stir in half a cup of rice. Leave it to simmer for 40 minutes, and then refrigerate it for 12 hours. This method increases the content of resistant starch by 10 times.

Afterward, you can freely consume it, and it offers great effects in the case of high blood sugar or weight issues.

James explains this procedure as follows:

During the cooking process, the coconut oil enters the starch granules, making the sugar resistant to the digestive enzymes. Then, during the period of 12 hours for cooling, the starch binds to the molecules on the outside of the rice, and the rice sugar is converted into a resistant starch.

Also, reheating won’t affect the levels of resistant starch in rice.

Researchers are currently examining other rice and oil types in order to find the one that will offer maximum calorie reduction.

Yet, note that rice is not the most nutrient-rich food, and you should not overeat it, as it might disrupt your blood sugar levels. You can substitute it with other fiber-rich, nutrient-rich foods, like barley, mushrooms, quinoa, sweet potatoes, squash, leafy green vegetables, and cauliflower.

Source: — Original Article Source by Dr. John Douillard