How To Eat Papaya Seeds In Order To Detoxify Your Liver, Kidneys As Well As Heal Your Digestive System!

Health benefits of papaya seeds:

Papaya or Carica papaya (known under the term papaw or pawpaw as well) is an exotic fruit that originates from Mexico. It has a sweet and musky taste, but a butter-like consistency. Its amazing medicinal properties and distinctive flavor have been valued for centuries, and for that reason, Christopher Columbus named this fruit “the fruit of angels”.

Papaya has a spherical and pear-shape. It can be easily found throughout the years in the markets. This fruit is rich in carotenes, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B, pantothenic acid, copper, postassium, and magnesium, which make this fruit a natural effective remedy against heart issues, cancer, digestive problems, high levels of sugar in the blood, and wounds. Papaya has round and black seeds and an orange flesh with pink hues. The seeds are bitter and in most cases when people eat this fruit, they throw them away. This is an enormous mistake because here we are going to reveal its health benefits:

Health benefits of papaya seeds:

Treat inflammation – Thanks to the great anti-inflammatory characteristics of papaya seeds, they soothe joint pain as a result of asthma, arthritis, and gout. Papaya seeds have high content of papain and chymopapain that fight inflammation effectively.

Antiviral and antibacterial properties – 1 tbsp. of papaya seeds fight against germs and viral infections, including Salmonella, Staph, and E. coli.

Eliminate worms and parasites – Papaya seeds contain proteolytic enzymes such as papain that break down undigested protein waste and destroys intestinal parasites. In addition, the unique anthelmintic alkaloid (which is also called carpaine) destroys amoebas and parasitic worms effectively.

Liver protection – Due to their high content of nutrients, papaya seeds cleanse the liver from toxin waste and at the same time, it improves its function. Papaya seeds treat cirrhosis effectively- just blend 1 tbsp. of lime juice and 5 papaya seeds, and consume this mixture for 30 days.

Improve digestion – The high content of proteolytic enzymes (glycyl endopeptidase, chymopapain, papain, and caricain) improves the digestion and cleanse the body.

Antioxidants – Papaya seeds are rich in antioxidants, phenolic acid, and flavonoid compounds that prevent free radical damage.

Control blood pressure – Papaya is abundant in carpaine, a compound which reduces diastolic and systolic high blood pressure.

Natural contraceptive – 1 tbsp. of papaya seeds reduces the sperm production without affecting the libido.

Protect the kidneys – The juice of papaya seeds promotes the kidney health because the seeds are abundant in flavonoids and phenolics.

How to use papaya seeds – You can include them in your diet in a lot of ways, either scoop them directly from the fruit, eat them raw, or in a combination with the fruit itself.

Also, you can dry them under the sun or with a dehydrator. Then, grind them and add the powder to salads, smoothies, soups, and stews. Because  of their strong taste, start with 1 tbsp. of the seeds on a daily basis. Then, increase to 2 tbsp. gradually. Papaya seeds have powerful anti-parasitic effects, therefore, don’t give them to children and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
