How To Lighten The Dark Skin In Pubic Area And Between The Legs (1 Ingredient Recipes)

Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin condition which manifests as a darkened skin between legs and sometimes in the groin area.

Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin condition which manifests as a darkened skin between legs and sometimes in the groin area. Most common case is with obese people, especially dark skin people. This condition can be isolated or a symptom of a more serious disease.

In today’s article we will talk about Acanthosis Nigricans and will give you a recipe for hot lighten the dark skin in pubic area and between the legs.

Causes of The Disease

Causes for this condition are not fully investigated, but statistics show that is mostly common in obese individuals. Also, persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus have higher prevalence of this condition. The diagnosis of this condition are not hard, but it is enhancer to discover the causative factor. A part from diabetes acanthosis can be a result of hormonal imbalance, tumors, and genetic factors. Some people this is a sole clinical entity and no diseases in correlation with this condition.

Symptoms of Acanthosis

The above mentioned areas where this skin condition can appear are the most common. However any area of the skin can be affected by acanthosis. Skin folds are particularly susceptible to these changes. The skin that had been changed is thicker then usual, very soft and brown. Moreover it doesn’t inflict any pain but irritation and itching are commonly noticed throughout many patients. Also, peeling of the skin is not uncommon. If there are some of these symptoms present then refer to your dermatologist so it can diagnose if there is a medical problem,


Many skin care products are related with the term Aloe Vera, the reason for that is because of the numerous benefits it provide for the skin. Best way is to be used natural. In our case it works as a natural skin lightener and also saturates the skin. Other than that it decrease the different skin spots.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains anti-cancer agents and different intensifies that help repair and generate new skin cells.

1.Take out the aloe vera gel from the leaf.
2.Apply it specifically in the dark pubic area. Leave it to stay for around 20 minutes.
3.Wash it off with water.

Rehash this procedure once every day for quick results.

Baking soda

Backing soda contains characteristic skin exfoliant, it rinses the skin and gradually uproots dark, stained patches.

Uprooting hyper-pigmentation can be significantly reduced by using this baking soda method.

1.Blend three sections of baking soda and one part of water to frame a thick paste.
2.Put the paste on the dark pubic area and leave it dry.
3.Wash it off after a couple of minutes.

Repeat this procedure twice a week for achieving the wanted results.


Lemon contain high amount of vitamin C, this vitamin helps evacuate dead cells and help skin tone. Moreover it stimulate regeneration of healthy skin cells.

1. Apply lemon juice on your public area and rub delicately for a couple of minutes.
2. Leave it to stay for around 20 minutes.
3. Wash it off with warm water and apply a saturating cream.

You can also take out the juice of one lemon and blend it with one tablespoon of honey. Apply it on the influenced territories and leave it to stay on for 20 minutes. Wash the blend off with water.

Use cucumbers

The cucumber contain great skin lightening properties. Mixing the lemon juice with cucumber is a great combination for this purpose. The lemon whiten the skin while the cucumber relieves the skin avoiding any tingling or disturbance.

1. Blend lime juice with the cucumber juice
2. Add some turmeric to the mix
3. Apply it on the skin and leave it for few minutes

After the process is finished just wash that place with Luke-warm water.

This combination is very effective because the lemon evacuates dead cells and whitens the skin. Cucumber on the other hand gives a cooling, while the turmeric averts staining. It is really an ayurvedic cure so natural that you can do it every day.

Source: Super Tasty Recipes