How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss 1 Tablespoon At A Time

Here's how to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss 1 tablespoon at a time:

Apple cider vinegar is a highly beneficial ingredient, which supports health in many ways, and offers amazing effects when you want to lose weight.

It contains acetic acid which stimulates weight loss by preventing the accumulation of body fat and unhealthy fat in the liver.

The findings of many studies by the Central Research Institute in Japan (2009) and Johnson and Buller (2005), indicate that a small amount of vinegar daily help weight loss. Researchers found that a minimal dosage of 15ml (1 tablespoon) daily is enough to drop excess pounds.

All you have to do is to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to an 8oz glass of warm water or fruit juice, and drink it daily! The effects will surprise you!

Despite this, apple cider vinegar offers other beneficial effects on health, as follows:

Fighting Diabetes

According to a small 2007 study in 2007, which analyzed the effects of vinegar on fasting glucose levels, the intake of 2 tablespoons of vinegar at bedtime significantly reduced glucose levels.

Lowering Cholesterol

Panetta et al conducted a study which found that the consumption of apple cider vinegar lowers blood lipid levels (cholesterol levels). Just add 2 tablespoons of it to your smoothies or meals, and you will drastically lower cholesterol levels.

Lowering Blood Pressure

According to Iman (2015) apple cider vinegar ‘oxidizes and thins the blood, which is important in preventing high blood pressure.’ By reducing blood pressure, you reduce the risk of stroke and heart diseases.

Healthier Hair

Apple cider vinegar strengthens the hair, provides shine, improves its texture, and supports its health.

Therefore, start using apple cider vinegar on a daily basis, and enjoy its powerful health-boosting properties!
