If you have this blood type, there’s something you shouldn’t eat. The impact it has on your metabolism is enormous.

More than just letters

At some point, everyone learned in school that there are four distinct blood types: A, B, AB and O. Each is further defined by a positive or negative rhesus factor. Which blood type you have is already determined before birth. Above all, it’s important to know your blood type if you need a transfusion because not all blood types are compatible with one another. But did you know that your blood type also has numerous other effects on you? Here are 10 facts about how blood influences your life that you probably weren’t aware of.

Blood type and nutrition

The body is busy carrying out numerous complicated processes throughout the day. For example, digestion. People react differently to the nutritional component parts of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. That’s because blood type plays a significant role in many aspects of nutrition. People with blood type O should follow a protein-rich diet, while those with blood type A should generally avoid meat and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables instead. Blood type B should eat less white meat and strive for a healthy and varied diet. On the other hand, blood type AB benefits from fish and other fat-rich foods, of which particularly omega-3 fatty acids are recommended.

Blood type and fitness

Did you know that your blood type has an influence on which sports you’re particularly suited to? People with blood type A profit especially from relaxing exercise such as yoga or endurance sports like jogging. Blood type B, on the other hand, loves the challenge for body and mind that comes from such activities as rock climbing or martial arts.

Blood type and pregnancy

There’s a good reason why you should know the blood type of your partner before having children: Some blood types don’t mix especially well. Specifically, women with a negative blood type should be careful before they get pregnant if their partner has a positive rhesus factor dominant blood type. In this case, there’s a high likelihood that the baby will also be positive and that the mother’s body will react to it as a foreign body. It’s therefore advisable to clarify any risks with one’s doctor in such cases.

Blood type and belly fat

Have you noticed that some people have to battle against belly fat more than others? Of course, this is on one hand a result of gender (men and women are assessed differently in terms of fat distribution), but on the other hand, it’s also linked to blood type. People with blood type A can process carbohydrates better and therefore have fewer fat deposits on their mid-region. By contrast, people with blood type O have a difficult time processing sugar and as a result are more inclined to accumulate more belly fat.

Blood type and illnesses

Not everyone is affected the same way by illness. Here again, blood type may have something to do with it. You can clarify with your doctor whether you are particularly susceptible to specific illnesses.

Blood type und vulnerability to stress

At first it seems astounding, but it’s actually the case: people with blood type O have a higher cortisol level than others. This hormone fosters feelings of stress. Those affected should therefore maybe take a break more often, both for your heart and those around you.


Antigens are used to clearly identify blood type. Interestingly, they are found not only in the blood itself, but in the entire digestive system, from the mouth to the intestine. You can even confirm someone’s blood type through the lung lobes or nose.

Blood type in emergencies

Emergency room doctors advise that everyone should carry a document on which important medical information such as blood type is summarized. In extreme cases this could be life-saving, because it helps the attending emergency personnel to see quickly what blood type is needed in case a transfusion is necessary. You can find these cards at every blood donor center and at the Red Cross.

Blood type and character

When you consider how great an influence blood type can have on metabolism, it’s hardly surprising that it also impacts one’s personality. People with blood type O are more inclined to be extroverts, to have a creative streak, and to be more at home in group settings. Blood type A people are on the other hand more quiet, have an appreciation for art and aesthetics, and are very trustworthy. People who are very ambitious and value their independence are most often blood type B. And people who are blood type AB are often reserved, thoughtful, and enjoy spending time alone.

Blood type and fertility

Curiously, it seems that blood type also has an effect on your chances of becoming pregnant. Women with blood type AB produce more hormones that are conducive to conception. That means that AB blood type women generally get pregnant more easily than other blood types.

Isn’t it fascinating what role your blood type plays in just about everything? It can explain quite a few things about why we are the way we are. And the tip about blood type information could actually save lives.
