If you test positive on any of these 10 at-home tests, go see your doctor immediately!

Pay attention!

This article offers a few useful tricks for reading the body, helping you get an idea of which issues should you discuss at your check-up.

Put a bit of blue food coloring on a pad and then swab in over the tongue. Use a magnifying glass to count the blue dots near the front part of the tongue. In case there are more than 20 of them, you have a great sense of taste.

This super-tasting is liked to an increased risk of some cancer types. Veggies like sprouts, cabbage, or broccoli contain compounds that protect against cancer, but these bitter compounds might taste too intense. Hence, combine bitters with potatoes or rice to neutralize the strong taste.

-Squeeze Your Legs, Test Your Salt Intake
Using the thumb, press down in 3 to 4 places up and down the legs. If the areas stay white for a couple of seconds after taking the thumb away, it means that you have a fluid retention. In order to address this issue, limit your salt intake and remove processed foods from your diet. Additionally, drink plenty of water to flush out the excess sodium.

-Push Your Fingers, Test Your Iron Levels
Hold out the hand, palm up, and then push the fingers back. Do the deep lines on the hand go white along with the pale? If they do, it might indicate that you are suffering from anemia caused by lack of iron in your diet. If your doctor confirms that you are anemic, consider increasing your intake of green leafy veggies and red meat.

-Try to Burp, Test Your Nutrient Absorption
Put a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water, let it dissolve, and drink. If you burp right away, it is a good sign. Adding an alkaline compound into an acid environment creates gas. Therefore, if you do not burp, your acid levels might be too low and you are failing to absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat.

-Read a License Plate, Test Your Vision
Walk about twenty strides away from a car and try reading the number plate. Do you see it clearly? Any blurring indicates that are not seeing well enough to be safe to drive without contacts or glasses.

-Look Under Your Eyes, Test Your Cholesterol Levels
Check out the skin below and above the eyes. If there are yellow bumps surrounding the eyes, it indicates that you have increased cholesterol levels. Don’t panic and get checked out with your doctor.

-Check Your Pulse, Test for a Food Intolerance
This test is ideal for you in case you have ever felt that your bloating might be associated with any food intolerance. Take your pulse, sit down, and eat a portion of the food you suspect it might be the problem. Check the pulse once again! If it has increased, it is likely that you have a food intolerance.

-Blow Out a Candle, Test Your Lungs
Stand about thirty centimeters away from a candle and breathe out fully. If it doesn’t go out, it might indicate that you have asthma. If you do not have any other symptoms like night-time coughing but still failed, work on improving your fitness.

-Spit in the Morning, Test for Candida
In the morning, spit in a glass of water. If the spit goes gray in a few minutes, it means that you have candida. Lowered immune system and digestive problems are the most common causes of candida overgrowth and it is associated with fatigue and allergies.

-Clench Your Muscles, Test Your Pelvic Floor Strength
Clench the pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds while sitting. Release and repeat once again. Anything less than 10 clenches indicates that your pelvic floor is weak, increasing the risk of sexual problems and stress incontinence.

To solve this issue, tighten the buttocks, draw the muscles until the belly begins to hollow inwards, hold for a few counts, and then release. Repeat six times a day.
