Keep Your Skin Beautiful – 1 Avocado, 1 Carrot, and 1 Vitamin E Capsule

Use vitamin E to improve the skin quality

The body, in order to function properly, needs some care of certain body organs. We use all of the body organs on a daily basis, therefore it is normal some of the organs to start hurting sometimes.

The skin is the largest body organs which endures the most changes throughout the lives. The skin function is to protect us. So, we need to nurture it in the best way we can. The skin needs vitamin E and it is of an essential importance for the skin. Therefore, in today’s article we are going to show you how to use the vitamin E to make the most of its health benefits.

Use vitamin E to improve the skin quality

You can use it in 2 options:


Mix avocado and carrot and add the liquid of a vitamin E capsule. Apply the mixture on the face, and let it stay like that for 20 minutes. Then, remove it with some water.

The avocado is abundant in vitamin E, which will boost the effects of this mask. The carrot is rich in beta-carotene that renews the collagen.


Take 1 ripe banana and mix it with the liquid of 2 vitamin E capsules. Apply the mixture on the face, and let it stay like that for 20 minutes. Then, remove it with some water

Bananas are rich in potassium which is amazing for treatment of face lines and wrinkles.

To sum up, the crucial key for having a healthy skin is having the needed nutrients in order to regenerate itself. Besides, the skin will improve its aesthetic look and appearance. Also, drink a lot of water because it helps a lot for the skin and the overall health.
