Lose Weight and Feel Better: Sugar Detox in 3 Days

Lose Weight and Feel Better: Sugar Detox in 3 Days

Besides carbs and fat, sugar is also a major culprit for weight gain. Although consuming sugar from time to time doesn’t pose a threat, high amounts of daily consumption of sugary foods can be a problem.

Sugary Foods

Nowadays, sugar is all around us. It’s present in both foods and drinks such as soda drinks, cereals, pouch juices, salad dressings, yogurts, candies, sweets, etc. Some foods have natural sugar like honey, raisins, mangoes, and bananas.

Sugar Overdose

The most common signs of too much sugar are:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Tiredness
  • Yeast infections
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Sinus problems
  • Mental disorientation
  • Sleepiness

When a person consumes too much sugar, the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is much higher.

Weight Gain and Sugar

When we have too much sugar in our body, the body will begin storing the excess sugar into fat. Artificial sugar doesn’t metabolize the way natural sugar does. It enters the intestine and the body recognizes it as an intestinal bacteria and this increases the blood sugar levels. This results in surplus fat in the waist, thighs, and hips.

Exclude Sugar Completely

If you don’t give up sugar entirely, you will never stop the addiction. Even though giving up sugar isn’t an easy process, if you’re persistent enough, you can do it. Some of the most common symptoms of sugar withdrawal are fatigue, cravings, headaches, etc. As long as you satiate your hunger by eating only one cookie, the headaches and uncomfortable feelings won’t go away. Therefore, break this cycle by cutting one sugar product at a time.

Sugar Detox Diet

If you want to give up sugar once and for all, check out this sugar detox diet.

Day 1


A cup of oats with berries and almonds, 3 eggs, scrambled or boiled


A small bowl of nuts


Chicken breasts with cooked butternut squash, carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, beans, and almonds


Broiled fish, a bowl of green beans or salmon with fried broccoli and mushrooms

Day 2


A cup of steel cut oats with berries and almonds or 3 scrambled eggs sautéed with spinach


A small bowl of nuts


Grilled zucchini with red and yellow peppers and lemon, vinegar, and thyme dressing or shredded green and red cabbage with shredded carrots and olive oil, lemon juice, and salt dressing, and chopped parsley on top


Steamed green veggies, veggie casserole, and bean soup or baked cod with stir-fried Bok Choy and roasted Brussels sprouts and turnips

Sugar detox drinks

Detox water

Chop a grapefruit, blueberry, strawberries, or oranges, as well as rosemary and mint and put them in a mason jar filled with filtered water. Store it in the fridge and drink it daily.


Consume unsweetened herbal or green tea 3 times per day.


Drink only one cup of unsweetened black coffee daily.

Important to Note

  • During the sugar detox, you need to avoid honey, agave nectar, maple syrup, and other artificial sweeteners
  • Be prepared to fight off the sugar cravings because they can be a real challenge
  • Replace white bread and fruit juices with whole grains that will regulate the sugar in the blood and prevent cravings
  • Cook only with virgin olive oil
  • Eat 2 oz. of nuts and seeds on a daily basis, as well as flaxseeds and walnuts
  • Consume a large bowl of cooked green veggies daily
  • Eat a large portion of green salad daily, of course, with a healthy dressing
  • Eat half a cup of beans, chickpeas, and lentils daily to lower the cravings for sugar
  • Last but not least, drink a lot of water

After successfully completing the sugar detox diet, you should consult your physician or a nutritionist to come up with a long-term diet that will help you keep the addiction at bay. Also, you should gradually add healthier forms of sugar like dry fruits, fruits, and low-sugar desserts to your diet.
