Make This Sweet Potato Juice To Control Blood Sugar, Detoxify Your Lungs and Improve Eye Sight

There are many reasons why you should include sweet potatoes in your diet. Lets get know!

Even though sweet potatoes are incredibly healthy and they positively affect your health, not many people consume sweet potatoes and they are probably the last thing that you will buy when you go in the market. With it’s creamy texture, a sweet-spicy flavour, and abundance of beneficial vitamins and nutrients, sweet potato is something that you need to immediately include in your diet!

The best thing about sweet patatoes it’s that they are cheap and they are available in all seasons.


As we already mentioned before there are many reasons why you should include sweet potatoes in your diet.

What makes sweet potatoes unique among the other vegetables is vitamin B6. This vitamin is known to regulate the levels of homocysteine, a chemical which has been linked to heart attacks and many degenerative diseases.

Besides B6 they sweet potatoes contains vitamins C and D, both necessary for bone growth, digestion, and blood cell formation.

Moreover, sweet potatoes contain iron, potassium, beta-carotene, and magnesium which will boost your immune system and will reduce stress. Magnesium helps promote heart health and white and red blood cell production. The beta-carotene that they contain can be converted in vitamin A when the body needs it. Vitamin A is needed to improve eyesight, immune system, and is a powerful antioxidant.


When purchasing sweet potatoes, it is very important to check a few things. They need to be firm, without any cracks, holes, bruises, or soft spots. You should never buy sweet potatoes that are stored in the fridges because the low temperature affect their taste.

You should store them in a cool dark place. They will remain fresh up to 10 days.


If you decided to include them into your diet, this juice is a perfect way for you to do that. You can use them in substitution of your breakfast or as a snack during the day.

Ingredients that you need:

-1-2 raw sweet potato
-4-6 ribs of celery
-2 carrots
-1 jicama
-A pinch of cinnamon

Method of preparation:

Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend well. Make sure that you always purchase organic ingredients. Additionally, if you wish you can add some cinnamon to improve the taste.
