Man Cured Diabetes Type 2 without Medicine Drinking Only This Every Day

It’s amazing how nature always seems to have a cure for just about any ailment known to man.

One man as proven this fact even more by completely curing himself of type II diabetes using 100% natural meanings.

It all began for this man when he always seemed to be thirsty and without thinking too much about it he went to his doctor for a routine checkup and was astonished when he was told that his blood sugar levels had shot up to about 29 and that his pancreas was in a bad state and so he would have to be dependent on insulin shots for basically the rest of his natural life.

Initially this man started taking his prescription drugs and insulin shots as prescribed by his doctor.

He remained diligent in his medications but rather than get better his condition worsened as his triglycerides increased to 16, his blood pressure also rose to 150/100.

This man then decided that enough was enough and that he needed to take a drastic action to ensure that his health improves.

Then by chance while watching a television programme titled – The Edge of Science which featured Dr.John Zirdum that talked about how he had been eating only raw meals for the last 12 years and the impact this has had on his health and life, this man got the inspiration he needed.

As soon as the programme had ended he went out and bought a blender with which to blend the ingredients needed for this amazing recipe.

Here’s the natural condiments for the recipe that save this man’s life


  • Kiwi – 2
  • Organic banana – 5
  • Organic apples – 2
  • Kale – 1/2 cup


  • Chop the apples and bananas.
  • Put the fruits in a blender and blend till you have a smooth homogeneous mixture.
  • Add some water when blending as well.

How To Use This Recipe

  • You should drink about 1/2 a litre of this recipe early in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach.

Noticeable Improvement

  • After just a week of taking this recipe the man had his blood sugar level decrease to a reading of just 5.
  • Even though he had been using prescription drugs up until now he had never had his blood sugar level decline that much before.
  • He began to shed excess weight and look fitter and smarter than he had ever been before now losing about 20 pounds (Ibs) within four weeks.
  • In just over 16 weeks this man had lost 40 Ibs, his triglycerides dropped to 1.4 and also his blood pressure was 120/70.

This man had stopped taking pills and his insulin shots long ago and he felt really healthy.
