Man Rescues Cat From Freeway, Gives Him A Home (Video)

The video speaks for itself...

A cat who was rescued from a freeway in Phoenix, Arizona, finally found a home thanks to the man who saved him.

The cat, appropriately named Freeway, had been trying to climb a metal fence along the I-17 freeway for more several hours — scared and bloody from trying to chew his way out.

Richard Christianson, the man who saved the cat, took matters into his own hands after a number of agencies he contacted decided the rescue was too risky.

The moment that Christianson was able to save the scared cat was filmed on his cellphone and went viral after it was posted online.

Over 30 days later — after more than $1,000 in medical expenses, two surgeries and placement in a foster home — Freeway was healed from the injuries he suffered. Christianson stepped in again and adopted the cat.

Christianson said he believes the cat had been abused prior to the freeway incident, but that he would do whatever it took to make him feel safe and comfortable.

“I’ve got too much invested in this baby to let him fail,” he told KNXV.

Freeway’s story went viral once again after it was posted to Shared’s Facebook page. Readers praised Christianson for his actions and for selflessly letting Freeway live with him.

“What a beautiful thing to do……on the other side of the coin how inept and callus for all those agencies to try to “pass the buck”. I have 2 rescue cats and they are both wonderful loving happy pets,” one reader wrote in a comment.

“Thank God for the kindness and compassion this man had. To think this poor kitty was there for so long without nobody stopping to help. This man deserves a big Thank You!!! This kitty will be in good hands with his new protector and I think a pampered life,” another wrote.

“That poor lil baby,” a third added. “Thank God that man stopped to help. One can only imagine how scared and in pain that poor sweetie was. Thank you Sir for being there and helping this poor baby. You are a great man!!!”

Watch more about Freeway’s rescue and recovery in the video below.
