Massaging Your Feet Every Night Will Improve Your Health In Incredible Ways

Good to know!

t many people are aware that massage therapy is more than just relaxing time. According to numerous studies, massage therapies can both emotionally and physically benefit the body in countless ways.

The most beneficial massage out of all massage therapies is considered to be the foot massage.

The foot massage therapy includes applying pressure on certain parts of the foot. You can pull this off in two ways using tension and vibration (motion).

Both ways of massaging are excellent for the body since they help you relax and improve the overall health. You can massage your feet using elbows, fingers, knees or even a massage device.

The reason behind the effectiveness of the foot massage is based on the fact that specific areas of our feet are linked to different organs in our bodies.

Some of the positive effects that massaging your feet will provide you with:

  • Improves sleep
  • Improves skin health
  • Improves sweat secretion and blood flow
  • Relaxes the muscles
  • Improves the sex drive
  • Relieves premenstrual syndrome symptoms
  • Treats anxiety

How and When to do feet massages?

It is recommended that you massage your feet every night before going to bed. The treatment should last around 15 minutes. Start of by massaging your big toe for your lungs and brain, then the next three toes for relieving tooth pain. You can see the image above for guidance towards the desired results.
