Milk And Garlic Is A Cure For Asthma, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Insomnia, Heart Issues, Cough, Arthritis And More!

Homemade remedy

Many fruits, veggies or spices are used as cures when combined right and there won’t be any other need for meds.

We have a recipe for you and it is called garlic milk. It is a medicine that is natural and it is warm.

500 ml milk
10 garlic cloves, minced
2-3 tsp sugar
250 ml water

In a pot, put the water and milk and then add the garlic. Put on the heat and let this boil a bit. The heat must be medium, not more, and stir all the time. Strain this and add sugar in this mix. Drink warm!


3 garlic cloves daily at night, relieves this problem

Have this milk 3 times per day and treat this

This drink lessens the bad LDL cholesterol and stops clots to form, so the heart health is much better. If you make this with low fat or skimmed milk, it will be even more effective.

The garlic is great for curing this and toxin removal too. The garlic activates good enzymes and the liver starts to work fine. Our liver needs sulfur to make the body detox and the garlic has that sulfur. This is crucial for the liver and it is even better for fatty liver disease. It has allicin, selenium too and makes more bile so the fat of the liver is lessened. If you drink this mix for 5 days, jaundice will be gone.

Have this mix daily and reduce such pains or inflammation

Such mixes soothe you and help you relax more.

Add turmeric in this and the perfect cough cure is here. Make garlic, milk and turmeric for this purpose. The garlic kills bacteria and if you add even honey It will soothe the chronic cough issues forever.


This mix is great for this problem too. the garlic sulfur is a great aid in this case. Use 1 g garlic, 240 ml milk and water 1 liter. Boil them all mixed and in the end you are left with ¼ of the initial amount. Consume 3 times per day.

Have this mix warm and for 7 days too, the bad LDL cholesterol will be reduced and the good HDL one, will be increased.

Garlic is an antiseptic and this means boosted strong immunity and good digestion too. also this is great for cleaning lymph system and toxic removal too. also, garlic makes more digestion juices and aids in diarrhea cases.

This milk is great for such problems as well. Also consider eating boiled garlic chunks for both female and male fertility issues.

Garlic milk removes nerve pain also known as sciatica. With time, this cure will leave permanent benefits for the future too.
