Model Goes To Extreme Lengths To Look Like Cartoon (Photos)


A model underwent $119,200 worth of plastic surgery in an attempt to look like a cartoon character.

Pixie Fox, a former electrician, said her extreme transformation was inspired by characters such as Jessica Rabbit from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” and Princess Aurora from “Sleeping Beauty.” The model had 15 surgeries and six of her lower ribs removed to achieve the desired look.

“People often come up to me and say, ‘Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like a cartoon,'” she told Daily Mail. “But for me that’s a compliment, that’s what I want to achieve.”

Fox, who has more than 70,000 Instagram followers, said she considers herself a positive role model for her fans.

“Those cartoon characters represent the [idealization] of the female body,” she said. “I want to have the tiny waist, the butt, big boobs, big eyes and a really pretty face. Having my ribs removed was just another step in achieving that ideal.”

The most intense surgery was reportedly the rib removal, which took five hours and is irreversible.

“Getting my ribs removed has always been a dream of mine,” she said. “But it was really hard, almost impossible, to find a surgeon to do it. The only reason I have been able to do it now is that doctors finally started taking me seriously. They they can see I’m not a crazy person and that I know what I’m doing.”

Recovery for the extreme surgery was meant to take six weeks, but Fox said she was back to normal in two days.

“I can see the results and feel the difference,” she said. “Before the corset would push against the ribs, which makes it harder and more painful to wear. Now I can wear it even tighter without any pain. I think I am pretty close to the world record for smallest waist.”

Many readers criticized Fox for taking such extreme measures to change her appearance.

“She may have mental health issues, but [someone] is doing the surgeries and maybe making a fortune not just from her but others as well. Who is paying?” one reader commented on American Patriot’s Facebook page.

“Jessica Rabbit had red hair….she is still a blonde. Very messed up person. But it’s her money, and by the way, what the hell is a designer vagina? There were no pictures for that one,” another wrote.

“Whoever these doctors are doing this surgery should be investigated. This is unethical and surely doing harm,” another added.

“She wants to look like the cartoon character ‘Jessica Rabbit’?? I had to read it twice to believe it. Sad,” another commented.
