Natural Recipe Against Cancer Which Have Cured Thousands Of People

This is a recipe for a natural remedy that has proven very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski

“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws himself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.

This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:

– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;

– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.


– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)


For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.

Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.

Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.

From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.

After three days the cure is ready for consumption.

1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
