Natural Recipe To Repair Damaged Hair

Amazing results!

Hair loss has become very common in modern women for some years, this happens because they may not have a proper diet or simply use too many chemicals in their hair, either to achieve straightening or bleaching hair with aesthetic products that to the long, only damage the hair strands now well, natural treatments have the perfect effect on the hair as they repair the damage and leave the hair totally beautiful uses baking soda to get the hair straight, without dandruff and completely strong.

To use the bicarbonate in your hair, you must follow a series of steps to get the results quickly and without side effects, so you can forget the orchestras, hair burned by the iron or by the dye. In addition we will provide you with the recipe of a powerful conditioner that will work in conjunction with the shampoo to repair the damaged hair. Follow the following instructions.

Natural recipe to repair damaged hair

Ingredients for the shampoo:
-Three tablespoons of baking soda (One if you have short hair)
-Three cups of warm water (One if you have short hair
-A plastic container to pour the mixture.
-Components to make the conditioner:
-A glass of apple cider vinegar
-A glass of water
-A plastic bottle to store the recipe

How to use:
Mix the baking soda with the water and beat the mixture well, in the same way, repeat the action with the vinegar for the conditioner.

Then pour a considerable amount of the bicarbonate shampoo into your hair. Try to massage the scalp very well so that the properties of both components penetrate the skin.

After a few minutes, remove the homemade shampoo with plenty of warm water and proceed to apply a little of the conditioner, leaving it to act for 10 minutes and then remove the remedy with plenty of water.

You do not need to mix the ingredients with your regular shampoo, because in itself, the bicarbonate with water acts to clean the hair but more effectively than an average aesthetic product. This liquid does not produce much foam, so do not worry if you notice the absence of it. On the other hand, it is completely normal to feel the harsh hair after applying the remedy, that is why we recommend the apple vinegar conditioner, because it will restore the softness to your hair.

Properties of baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
The use of bicarbonate in the hair is special due to the deep cleaning done in it, since it eliminates excessive fats, dandruff and repairs damaged areas of the strands. Now, apple cider vinegar is responsible for returning the shine, softness and special nutrients that hair needs to stay completely healthy.