Natural Remedies That Will Immediately Deflate Your Bloated Belly

Natural Remedies That Will Immediately Deflate Your Bloated Belly

Stomach bloating occurs as a result of eating a big amount of food or if you have consumed something really have which takes a lot of time to be digested. If you feel bloated one day, that is okay, but if the bloating continues for a couple of days, then it means that their digestive system is upset. According to experts, bloating happens when there are trapped gasses inside your belly. Bloating depends on the type of food you eat. Also, it can happen because of many other reasons which should be treated. The most common are:


You can eliminate constipation easily by consuming more fiber. Constipation prevents the trapped gasses to get out, thus provoking bloating. Start eating more fiber gradually, since if you consume too many fibers, you will worsen the situation. Eat more berries and consume more smoothies.

Too many carbs

If you consume more carbs-rich diet, then you will definitely be bloated. Cut down the sugar consumption and start eating more veggies and fruits instead.

High levels of stress

Bloating occurs as a result of excessive stress. When in a stressed situation, the brain prevents the normal function of the digestive tract and it might cause bloating.

 Insufficient amounts of water

You need to ensure your body gets enough water if you want it to function properly. If you’re dehydrated, it causes a lot of health problems, including bloating. You need to drink at least 6 glasses of water, doctors recommend.

You eat too fast

If you eat too fast, then you will definitely deal with bloating constantly. Try to eat and drink slower and chew the food properly. Big bites cause digestive problems.

The following homemade remedy will treat bloating and heartburn

Ingredients you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. of Aloe Vera Gel
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ a glass of water
  • 1 tbsp. of grated ginger
  • 1 lemon
  • a bunch of parsley


Put all of the ingredients in a blender and then put the mixture in a tall glass. Drink it immediately and keep on drinking it until you feel better

Helicobacter pylori

Most of you have probably heard of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium which attacks the stomach lining and causes numerous problems, duodenal and gastric ulcers included. Besides, H. pylori causes loss of appetite, frequent burping, nausea, burning sensation in the belly, weight loss, and bloating. It is usually treated with antibiotics but they might cause severe side-effects. So, for all of you who opt for natural treatment of this bacterium, here are a couple of treatments and remedies to ease your digestion:

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a rare type of honey which eliminates all the bacteria in your abdomen. Eat 1 tsp. of this honey, 3 times a day.

Cranberry Juice

In a study conducted in China, it was proved that cranberry juice consumption reduces the bacteria by 14%.


Probiotics help with numerous health problems, including H.pylori, without causing any adverse side effects.

More natural remedies

Indian and Chinese traditional medicine uses licorice to treat various digestive issues, including H. pylori and gastric ulcers. Green tea and red wine have a positive effect in the bacteria treatment due to their natural antibacterial effects.
