Natural Ways To Treat 15 Of The Most Embarrassing Health Problems No One Likes to Admit They Have

Here, we’re going to present you 15 of the most embarrassing health problems as well as how to treat them naturally.

If you’re one of the people with common conditions like toenail fungus or bad breath, this is the right article for you. Here, we’re going to present you 15 of the most embarrassing health problems as well as how to treat them naturally.

1. Bad Breath

In case you’re one of the people who struggles with this problem, one of the causes may be poor oral hygiene. Try some of these treatments:

  • Chew a handful of aniseed, cloves or fennel seeds. They are all full of antiseptic properties. You can also try with fresh mint, parsley or basil.
  • Use a homemade mouthwash to rinse your mouth with. Combine 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and several drops of peppermint essential oil. You’ll manage to change the pH levels in your mouth and also kill all the dangerous bacteria.
2. Stained Teeth

Some of the drinks that can stain your teeth are red wine, tea and coffee. Activated charcoal can help you by simply applying it on.

You can also try oil pulling. It will remove your plaque and make your teeth whiter.

3. Belching

Excessive burping can be pretty embarrassing.

You can change your eating habits. Don’t talk while you chew or gulp your food. You also need to avoid chewing a gum or drinking through a straw.

Drink ginger tea after your meals. It’s amazing against indigestion, belching and bloating.

4. Flatulence

Here’s what you can try against flatulence:

  • Eat more fermented foods or take probiotics. That will help you replenish the friendly bacteria in your gut.
  • Take herbal bitters before your meals. You’ll speed up your digestion and improve the production of stomach acid in order to decrease flatulence and bloating.
5. Cold Sores

These painful little blisters can be treated with the topical application of coconut oil and zinc oxide cream. You should also intake plenty of creams rich in zinc like nuts, seafood, cocoa powder, wheat germ, seeds, spinach, mushrooms and beans.

6. Body Odor

These things will help you get rid of bad body odor:

  • Change your diet! Try to avoid fatty or sugary foods, caffeine, spices, garlic, alcohol, onion, and processed food. You must also drink a lot of water so that you can remove all of the toxins. Intake a lot of vitamin C and B, as well as wheat grass and chlorophyll, sage, basil, mint, parsley and rosemary. Try to decrease the intake of meat.
  • Apply witch hazel. It’s a natural antiseptic and it decreases our skin’s pH.
  • Perform a process of detoxification for your ‘pits..
7. Smelly Feet

Soak your feet in a combination of essential oils with some apple cider vinegar. Stay in it for 20 minutes.

Corn starch can help you absorb the extra moisture.

8. Nail Fungus

Crumbling toenails, thickening and yellowing are mostly caused by fungal growth. It’s usually a painful condition that you can treat with tea tree oil that you’ll soak your feet it as well as take a supplement of olive leaf extract. It’s full of antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

9. Stretch Marks

Rapid weight gain can mostly cause them, but you can decrease them with the help of a homemade body butter prepared of coconut oil, Shea butter, vitamin E and vanilla oil. Another thing that can help you is Aloe Vera gel. It is full of therapeutic properties

10. Varicose Veins

These veins cause a low self-esteem, but luckily you can treat them with exercising such as swimming, cycling or walking as well as a herbal remedy in the form of horse chestnut extract. It’s an extremely effective way to treat this problem.

11. Keratosis Pilaris

This is a skin problem that is shown like small, but hard bumps on your upper arms, buttocks, thighs and face. You can remove them by increasing your intake of vitamin C as well as brushing your skin every day. You also need to moisturize it every day.

12. Dandruff

The dry and itchy scalp that goes along with the snowy shoulders can be our past with the help of apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse once a week. This type of vinegar is full of antimicrobial properties and is able to kill fungus and bacteria. You can also use essential oils like chamomile, lavender, tea tree, thyme, patchouli, rosemary and peppermint.

13. Facial Hair

Excessive hair present on the face, back or chest of a woman is otherwise called hirsutism. It can be very embarrassing or uncomfortable. It can be caused by hormonal imbalance or PCOS. The best treatment is lavender oil and tea tree oil as well as turmeric mask. Combine some yoghurt, an oil that you’ll choose and a little bit of turmeric. Apply it on your face and leave it to act for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you’ll notice that the hair will be gone. Make sure you test turmeric on your skin first, as it can stain it!

14. Warts

These are skin growths that are usually caused by the HP virus (human papilloma). You can treat them with apple cider vinegar or castor oil.

15. Rosacea

Pain, bumps, redness, sensitivity and swelling are only some of the symptoms of rosacea. This is a skin condition that you can treat if you apply some essential oils like thyme, tea tree, eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender, rose, rosemary and geranium as well as if you stop using alcohol. The ones to blame the most are beer, white and red wine.
