Officer Sees Something Familiar On Homeless Man, Then Realizes What He Has

This is just heartwarming!

People helping other people for no other reason than it is the right thing to do makes for an excellent story! Police Officer Mark Valenzuela from Phoenix, Arizona was seen helping a homeless man put on a pair of shoes. The shoes were brand new, and Valenzuela had bought them specifically for the homeless man!

Raymond Celaya captured the moment on video and shared it so everyone could see what kind of officers work in Phoenix. The officers truly protect and serve their community. After Venezuela helps the man with the shoes, he watches him walk off and then he gets back into his patrol car and drives off. Watch the video below and hear from Raymond!

Take a look!

This is what we need to see more of – a random act of kindness! Please be kind to those around you and support other people when you can.

Share away, people!
