People Left Heartbroken After Seeing Severely Wounded Dog Stagger Out Of The Woods

This is awful...

This severely wounded puppy emerged from the woods and onto a busy road in Port Huron, Michigan. The puppy, now named Amari, was seen by some good Samaritans and taken to an emergency clinic for help. A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue has taken Amari into their capable hands and updated its followers on her condition on their Facebook page.

Image Credit: N/A
It is thought that Amari had been in a dogfight and she several large, infected wounds. Some of the wounds were so large and deep, there was exposed the bone. Amari has wagged her tail despite the tremendous pain she must be in. Her condition is listed as grave.

Image Credit: N/A

Amari will probably spend the next two weeks recovering at the clinic. The Times Herald reported that Amari’s owner thought she had died and left her outside the city limits. If you can help with her medical expenses, please click here. Share away, people.