Place 3 Cut Lemons On Your Nightstand And It Will Change Your Life Forever, Believe It Or Not!

You will be surprised!

Negative energy can have an adverse effect on your health, relationships, and success. Probably, you have been raised to believe only in the things that you can understand and confirm. Rational minds cannot understand some treatments and rituals that don’t correspond to their reason.

This article dwells on positive and negative energies, something which not a lot of people believe in. Lemon is one of the things that can neutralize negative vibrations and restore harmony in your life.

Lemon possesses numerous beneficial properties, not only for the health and looks, but also for the energy.

The lemon is an irreplaceable ally in the fight against negative energies. You will need to use green lemons.

These methods can help you lower the effects of negative energy in your surroundings:

1. Place 3 green lemons in different places in the house. When they become yellow or black, replace them with new green lemons.

2. You can also boil its rind in rainwater to make use from its vapors.

3. If the lemon is really small, you can wear it as a talisman.

4. Put a basket with 9 lemons in a bed of rice and keep the basket onto your fridge. Put one lemon in the middle and eight around it.
If you want to stay protected from envious colleagues, place 3 lemons in your desk drawer or in your purse for balance.

5. A bit of lemon juice mixed with an atomizer spray water will change the negative energy in your home to a positive one. Sprinkle this mixture around your home, especially in the corners.

If you want to attract love in your life, put a glass vase or a bowl with 3 lemons on your nightstand.
To eliminate negative vibrations you have absorbed throughout the day, cut one lemon in 4 pieces and place them in a plate so that they form a cross. Then, make a circle from grain salt around the pieces and put the plate under your bed before you go to sleep. If you cannot put it under the bed, place it near the bed. The next morning, put the pieces of lemon in a plastic bag and make sure you don’t touch them and then throw away the plastic bag. Repeat this procedure for 3 subsequent days and you will notice significant improvement in your overall mood and feelings.

Put a green lemon in your purse, jacket, pants, etc. and then, in the evening, remove it and throw it away. The next morning, do the same and carry the lemon with you during the entire day so that it can absorb negative vibes around you, leaving you safe and calm.
