Plant and harvest your own tomatoes without toxins and space using a bottle of 2 liters only!

Try this!

Who doesn’t love tomatoes? Besides being delicious, the fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and lycopene which can reinforce your immune system and prevent different diseases and conditions.

Lycopene is a rare antioxidant that gives the tomato its color, and is also present in carrots, guava, papaya and watermelon. This powerful antioxidant fights free radicals in the body, and many studies have confirmed that it significantly reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Lycopene can also delay the aging process and neutralize the harmful effects of UV rays.

This amazing nutrient has been the subject of many studies which have confirmed that tomatoes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 50%. Some studies even show that lycopene can fight skin, lung and esophageal cancer, although more research is required. 100 gr. of ripe tomatoes contain 3.3-7.1 mg. of lycopene, while tomato juice contains up to 150 mg. of lycopene per liter. According to experts, we only need 30 mg. of this antioxidant to properly benefit from it, and tomatoes are the perfect way of getting it. However, instead of buying tomatoes every day, we suggest growing them on your own in your home – it’s a fun and simple process that will give you an endless supply of the fruit.

Today we’re going to show you how to grow your own tomatoes in 2 l. plastic water bottles. In other words, the lack of space isn’t an excuse.


One 2 l. plastic bottle
1 small tomato plant
Coffee filter
An 8-cm. long skewer or toothpick (wooden)
Wire or string for the bottle
Insulating tape
Scissors or a knife


1.Wash the bottle well.

2.Cut the bottom of the bottle.

3.Now, fit the cut part on the inside of the top.

4.Pierce two holes on the sides that should be big enough for a toothpick to pass through. Make sure they’re aligned on both ends.

5.Make 10 more holes on the bottom with the screwdriver – this is the water dispenser.

6.Take one smaller tomato plant.

7.Take the coffee filter.

8.Drill a hole in the center of the filter.

9.Pass it through the center of the plant.

10.Now, wrap the filter around the base of the plant and cover the soil

11.Put the plant and filter carefully through the neck of the bottle (see picture for details). Use the wooden stick to raise the plant through the hole if you’re having problems.

12.Turn the bottle upside down and fill it with soil carefully – make sure to leave enough room for the water dispenser.

13.Pass the stick through the side holes you pierced in the beginning.

14.Use a wire to hang the plant.

15.Put some water in the dispenser.

16.Now hang your homemade tomato pot and wait for it to grow!

17.To protect the delicate roots of the plant, cover the bottle with insulating tape or a dark fabric.

The plant and its vines will grow fast, so make sure it’s hanged out of the way. Make sure it’s in a sunny spot, and keep the dispenser half full of water. The wire should be tough as the plant gets heavier as it grows.
