Pregnant Mom Suddenly Feels Burning ‘Down There’ Only To Learn OB-GYN Made A Mistake

It's no wonder people are obsessed with this video!

We all expect that doctors have an answer to our questions. But, they don’t always. Rachel and Chris McQueen were expecting their sixth child. They had just gotten back a healthy ultrasound report. The doctor needs to do just one more thing. He needed to perform a pelvic exam. Suddenly things started to get hot for Rachel – she knew it wasn’t right!

Chris was there in the room when Rachel started to scream in discomfort. I will let Rachel and Chris tell you what happened. The two are very animated in their retelling of the story. Chris is driving the car as they tell the story, at one point, he is laughing so hard he thinks he may have to pull over!

Take a look at this video!

Rachel is in tears she is laughing so hard. As you can imagine a hilarious story like this has gone viral. Don’t forget to share!