Remove The Unwanted Body Hair By Massaging With This Oil For Only 5 Minutes!

Unwanted whair will disappear!

One of the major cosmetic issues for the majority of women is the growth of the unwanted hair on the particular visible body parts, such as: face, hands, feet, and etc.

It happens as a result of many factors including hormonal imbalance, consumption of certain medications during pregnancy, or irregular menstrual cycle.

All of us know that there exist so many techniques for removal of unwanted body hair, like for example: laser removal of hair, waxing, or electrolysis, which are extremely expensive and not all women can afford them.

So, there exist a lot of traditional home-made natural remedies which can remove your unwanted body hair effectively. Besides, they won’t cause any side effect and are much cheaper.

Therefore, in today’s article, we are about demonstrate to you one of those methods that will remove bodily hair quickly. All you need is:

  • 1 tbsp. of iodine (2%)
  • 1 cup of baby oil


Take both of the ingredients and mix them well.


Put the mixture on the hairy body part and rub it for a few minutes. Then, let it stay like that for 5 minutes. After that, wipe it off with cloth.

It will prevent the hair growth and make the unwanted hair disappear.
