Retired Chief of a Pharmacy said: “The World needs to Know, That Alkaline Water Kills Cancer” … Here is How to Prepare it !!

This is important!

There are various illnesses and illnesses in the world that need proper treatment, many of which are so effective that doctors and pharmaceutical companies prefer to keep them secret, to take care of their business.

This time we want to let you know the benefits you can get by consuming alkaline water, a very effective way to reduce free radicals in the body, prevent a series of invasive diseases such as cancer.

There is a pharmacist who has retired and shared with the world, many secrets that he learned in his area of work and that keep hidden from the general public knowledge.

He has let us know the best way to use alkaline water, how to prepare it and why. We want to share this information with you.

Benefits of alkaline water in the body
Alkaline water is one of the most potent antioxidants, which purifies the body of toxins. By its consumption, it can strengthen the immune system, and eliminate acids.

These acids usually produce some adverse effects in the body such as fatigue, poor digestion, weight gain and increased presence of diseases.

You can avoid any of these effects with the help of alkaline water and eat vegetables that balance the acid and alkaline levels of the system. The things that we consume are those that determine the level of pH in the body and in this way our level of alkalinity is defined.

Dr. Otto Warburg was a Nobel Prize winner and determined that at least 95% of the known cancers have been developed in acidic environments.

In the same way, it showed that cancer can not progress in an organism with an alkaline system at a pH level greater than or equal to 7.36.

In this way, it relates the acidity with this disease and some other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, among others.

Knowing all this information, we want to help you with a recipe that will strengthen the alkaline value in your body naturally, very quickly.

For the treatment in question, you will need:
A lemon
Half medium cucumber
A quarter of whole ginger root
Half a cup of fresh mint leaves

You must wash and cut each of the ingredients, make sure to peel the ginger before.

Add it to a small jug of water and let it sit overnight. The next morning, proceed to strain and drink the glass on an empty stomach and the rest of the treatment, throughout the day.

This effective medicine has properties that will not fail you. Remember to share it with your acquaintances through social networks.
