Sex While You Are Pregnant And After Childbirth

You have to know it!

Your doctor may have informed you that it is okay to have sex while you are pregnant, as long as there are no complications to your health. The common advice for sex after childbirth is about 4 to 6 weeks after delivery. However, there are still some facts that women want to know about sex during pregnancy and sex after childbirth.


Don’t Blow Air Into Vagina

If you and your partner are engaging in oral sex, blowing air into the vagina is strictly prohibited. An air bubble might block a blood vessel, which could be fatal for both the mother and the baby.

When is Sex During Pregnancy Not Allowed?

Your doctor will examine and assess if you can engage in sexual activity while you are pregnant. Here are some factors that might hinder you from having sex during pregnancy.

History of miscarriage.
The placenta is very low.
You previously delivered your baby before 37 weeks.
Cervix is weak and dilates prematurely.
Vaginal bleeding and discharge.
If you are having twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.


Pain During Sex

Women undergo hormonal changes after giving birth and it can cause dryness of the vagina. Another reason for the dryness and lack of vaginal lubrication is the breastfeeding of your baby. This is the main reason you feel pain during sexual intercourse. You and your partner can use water-based lubricant to ease any discomfort.

Reduced Friction

The vaginal tissue expands because of childbirth and it may never be the same again but there is really no cause for worry. The vaginal tissue tends to go back to its normal shape a few months after delivery. There will be a decrease of muscle tone in the vagina, which tends to reduce the pleasure of friction during sex but this is only temporary. There are exercises that you can do to increase sexual friction such as Kegel exercises.
