She’s Waiting For Daddy’s Birthday Present. When It Arrives, Her Reaction Lights Up The Internet

I can't describe how precious this is. <3

As children, there are some things we’re super excited about and don’t really know why! Such was the case for this sweet little girl named Madeline. Ever since she was a baby, Madeline loved trains. Seeing their long boxcars trailing off into the distance, their loud horns and the bustle of the station all came together perfectly in her mind.

So, when it came time for Madeline to actually ride on a train herself, she was thrilled. Thank goodness Dad had the camera rolling and was able to capture her excitement in real time!

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For Madeline’s third birthday, she got the surprise she had been waiting for her entire life! She didn’t want a new stuffed animal or the latest Barbie Doll, all she wanted to do was ride on her local train! Knowing about her daughter’s love for the train system, Dad bought them tickets for a short jaunt around the area.

She was finally going to be able to ride on a train!

The moment she heard the train approaching, little Madeline bubbled over with sweet excitement.

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As the train got closer and closer, the smile on her face got bigger and bigger. This was the best day of her life, by far, and she was so excited to actually be traveling on a train!

The whoosh of the train pulling into the station left her totally shocked – the moment she was waiting for was just about to happen. Dad looked down at his sweet girl and saw how mesmerized she was by it all. It was at that moment he realized he gave Madeline the best present ever!

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Dad and Madeline waited patiently for the train to come to a complete stop before they grabbed their belongs and headed into the shiny, metal train! It was all happening and thank goodness Dad thought to record this moment on his phone.

He knew that teenage Madeline would love to see her own adorable reaction to her very first train ride! Not only that, but Mom would definitely want to see her daughter get so excited about her exciting birthday present as soon as they got home!

Madeline’s reaction will warm your heart and should remind us all to appreciate the little things in life with this level of enthusiasm!

Screenshot via YouTube

Take a peek at this adorable experience for yourself by pressing “play” on the video below!
